4 days off opiates. Withdrawl help?

I have been taking heroin for more than four years and the last few months I’ve been on methadone. Circumstances suddenly changed and I can’t make it to the clinic anymore. So instead of weaning me off of a 90mg dose I have had to stop suddenly. I was just wondering if anyone had any idea what I could do to ease my withdrawl. Any help would be appreciated.

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@Sreb, I went cold turkey also 3 years back after using 4 years.
I researched everything on the internet and u tube was a huge help.
I drank chamomile tea, I took melatonin for sleep, I also drank coconut water to replenish electrolytes.

I also went to the doctor and said I had insomnia and ask for Only 1 weeks worth of adivan to help me sleep for the first week.

What helped me most of all is telling myself, with each day I am getting better and stronger and soon this will be over.
Stay strong you can do this.