4 months sober today!

I am 4 months sober today and loving life! Super excited to continue on this journey and see how much more progress I am capable of making this year. :slight_smile: I’ve been enjoying living 100% present in life and taking it all in - the good, the bad, the ugly, and the GREAT! Taking each moment for what it is and as it comes has been worth the journey.


Congratulations on your 4 months of freedom DWM
That’s some serious sobriety right there. Great job. Enjoy those benefits.


Good job!!


Congrats on 4 months :slightly_smiling_face:

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That is really fantastic to hear!
Congratulations on your 4 months, that’s definitely something to be proud of!


Congratulations! 4 months is amazing and it’s all due to your hard work.


Woohoo!!! Congrats!! :clap: :clap: :clap:


I’m a little late to the party but congrats on 4 months!!


Congratulations on 4 months! :hugs::bouquet:





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Congratulations on your 4 months!! :tada::confetti_ball:

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You’re awesome :sunglasses:… incredible stuff…:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

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Thanks everybody. :slightly_smiling_face: I just wanted to pop in and update on my journey in case anyone sees this that is struggling. I remember when I would see people post about 30, 60, 90 days sober and thinking how impossible it sounded. There is just so much in life and in business centered around alcohol, and I honestly felt like I wouldn’t make it past 30 days. When I started, I really just thought to myself I needed to take a 30 day hiatus just to let my body detox. But after 30 days, I thought to myself, “Why exactly do I need to drink again now?” So I thought maybe give it another 30 days. Then 60 days came and I thought to myself again, “Why exactly do I need to drink again now?” So I went for it to see if I could make it 90. Then 90 days came, and I thought to myself, “Why exactly do I need to drink again now?” Then I looked at how long I had gone in the past without a drink (which was about 4 months other than when I was pregnant). But this time, though I saw it as another pivotal benchmark, I thought to myself, “Why exactly do I need to drink again ever? I’ve killed off the urge and the triggers. I don’t need to get caught back up in that life again. There are so many others that are still stuck in that life, gasping for air, drowning as they try to climb their way out of it. They would be grateful to be to this place I feel now. I need to hold onto this and cherish it.” Alcohol is a drug, albeit a legal one that is widely accepted as appropriate and just a normal part of culture. It is hard to accept the fact that a good majority of adults are “addicted” to a “drug” when it is something that we are told is “ok because the government says we’re allowed to do it.” But it is what it is. I am just grateful I have come out on the other side of it and am able to have my life and health back in my own hands. I have my spirituality back in my own hands and am closer in my relationship with God as well, which has helped to fill that spiritual bucket in my life that was being distracted/covered with alcohol. If you are reading this and that speaks to you, I hope you know that you can also get on the other side of addiction and feel empowered again too. Alcohol did nothing for me but slow me down and dim my light within. I am on a path right now that is shining with a light that is growing exponentially day by day as I live in the present with intentionality. I wish so much for each and every one of you to break free and experience this feeling in your journey sooner rather than later and take back your happiness! :slightly_smiling_face:


This is such a great message that we all need to be constantly reminded about! Thanks for sharing :slightly_smiling_face:

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