40 Days today WHOOT WHOOT! Lemme get a day roll call

Never thought I’d make it 30 days much less 40. Time seems to move a little faster now. Thanks to my half way house and sober living I’m working and blowing money on shoes and hair cuts with massages instead of iv drugs. Feels good to feel good.


Hey I got my new shoes on and everything’s gonna be alright :musical_note::musical_note:.
well done mate.

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welcome and well done to you to.

Good for you, taking care of yourself. I love me some retail therapy too when there’s a little left after paying debts. These nice little gifts last a lot longer than that high we used to chase. Congrats on 40 days.

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43 days here…and I have bought so many shoes

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Congratulations! :tada::tada:
Day 6 here and about to head into work… I’m starting to think working at a stripclub while in recovery is a bad idea… Send positive thoughts!

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It’s all in what you make of it. Working in a club can be no worse than fast food. It’s all mind perception and if you want the sober life bad enough. Just take a deep breath look in the mirror and say your a strong powerful woman who’s life isn’t ruled by addiction.

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Congrats! It’s a journey for sure. I’m going on 23 days. Feels better everyday.

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Day 39 here. Feels good to be present in the moment!

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