48 days sober - advice

Good evening all, I hope you are all well. What’s your advice when you get the thought “just have a couple you’ve done well to stay sober this long”?

I haven’t been too bad these past few weeks, it’s just the odd moment I get these thoughts. Thankfully I’ve managed to keep a lid on it for now :grimacing:


Well, since you’ve joined here (a sobriety forum) I would say it’s safe to assume you have decided that you have a drinking problem like myself. Which means that if you have “just a couple” it will turn into 10 or 15 drinks.

So play that tape forward because you know you won’t have just a couple. Imagine what will happen when you get drunk and start behaving the way you did before you had 48 days under your belt. Because that’s what will happen, there’s no scenario where we will be able to just have a couple drinks and carry on with our day. If that was the case, you wouldn’t be part of our cool kids club!


Ya, we gotta remember that no drinks equals success…it just takes that first one to slip backwards…I had a pretty big craving myself this afternoon and had to remind myself that I am healing me…and if I love me, I won’t hurt me…because one drink for me will result in excuse after excuse…stay strong and in the moment my friend…we are here to support


I always have to remember its not the last drink thats going to kill me its the 1st one i have to worry about. Great job making it to 48days, keep it up.:+1:


Tell this creeping voice a harsh “fuck off and go to hell” :blush:
The addicted brain stays addicted when we become sober.
Maybe ask yourself where this thoughts come from? Do you want to reward yourself for beeing sober this long? Well, back to day 1 isn’t a reward, it’s resetting after a relapse.
Is the number 50 stressing you in some way? It’s one day at a time, we all can only stay sober today. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow not here yet.
Are you missing something? Socializing? Life balance? Rest? Sleep?
Did you check H.A.L.T? hungry, angry, lonely, tired or thirsty?
Always remember: This too shall pass.
Stay sober, it’s better than day 1 again :pray::hugs::heartpulse:


Thank you very much for the replies. I love H.A.L.T I’ve never heard of it before but makes so much sense!! Think it was hungry and lonely tonight. I’m over it now. I also agree it won’t be a couple it will be much more! Thanks again. You all seem like very nice people!!! :grin:


Congratulations on your 48 days Craig.
When I use to think like that, I would remember the last time I just had one drink…… I got nothing. Never happened.
It’s you’re addict brain fucking with you.
What is your heart saying?


To be honest I think it’s boredom. I’ve had an op and been house bound for past 4 days which hasn’t helped. Just need to remember it’s going to really suck going back to day 1 :roll_eyes:


there is a thread on h.a.l.t if you want to check

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Thank you. I will have a look!!

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yes, keeping oneself busy often helps with cravings. when you are at home now and convalescent a reframing of the situation might help with boredom. maybe try to see it as some extra time you can care for yourself and relax. healing is a physically demanding process, you might take multivitamine supplement for support. also meditation and a few minutes of light gymnastic - as far as your condition allows - help to set endorphines free and contribute to wellbeing.

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Boredom was a big trigger for me too, my friend. I had to take a week off from my normal routine (walks outside and grocery runs) a week ago, and the boredom was a challenge. Focus on your op recovery and know it will pass. Good on you for reaching out here as well!

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Maybe try a meeting get sober friends you can call when your feeling down ,wish you well

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