48 hrs no alcohol

Ive been drinking pretty heavily every night for about 8 months now… i started drinking to help me sleep at night…it started with one drink and we all know how that story goes. I was terrified of withdrawals because as a former opiate addict i had assumed i would have the really bad kind of withdrawals that send you to the hospital… so this week i wanted to do a test a run. I gave my husband my only liquor in the house and told him to throw it away if i make it past 48hrs… well here i am… i honestly feel amazing! No nausea no shaking no runs… I feel like even if i did get a little shakey with a headache ive got enough mental happiness that i can take it.! I was most worried about having a seizure and i know that can still happen at the 72hr mark but as good as i feel i dont think that will happen. Wish me luck DAY 2 IN THE BAG


This is a great step forward :fast_forward:
Congratulations and your doing amazing :sunflower:


Way to go! You can kick it!


Well done for stopping! Glad you are feeling good! I hope it continues for you, stay strong! :heartbeat:


You’re already doing an amazing job! :clap:t3: Congratulations! You got this! :partying_face:


Welcome here and congratulations for the 2 days! :confetti_ball:
Have you discovered the daily check in thread yet? Check it out!
You will find it here: Checking in daily to maintain focus #70 - #1003 by Laner
It’s a very surportive thread we use for our daily sober check in.
Feel free to join!

Glad your feeling good :+1: it gets better trust :ok_hand:. Has your husband chucked the liquor away ? It’s not a good plan to have it in the house :heart::muscle:

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Yep he sure did i feel so good and its almost the 72 hour mark


You got this :muscle:


@NewRoxy How are you doing today?


Im amazing! Day four in the bag and we have a generator since we have lost power… no withdrawals minus a headache but ive been making sure i maintain hydration and electrolytes and eating balanced meals. I was so done with it that I’m thoroughly enjoying the better sleep and i have my birthday to look good for in dec. So ive got so many healthy things I’m looking forward to


Im day 10 now working to 2 weeks and ive never felt more motivated… ive gotten up every morning to go walk since the hurricane past… im almost exclusively drinking water and i just feel so good!


That is awesome!! Keep going!! Glad you made it through the hurricane :ok_hand:.

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Congratulations on Day 10

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