Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Second check in of the day. Just tucking into bed. Big day… I was productive all day until I hit a wall late in the evening raking the lawn.
Thinking about my reset the other day… I think my strategy for a little while will be to visit this thread or my story thread when a drinking opportunity arises or I’m going somewhere where alcohol will be offered. Even constantly knowing how bad alcohol is for me, I think I still need fresh, in my face reminders to remind myself the fun buzz time isn’t worth it, and my next day is guaranteed to be ruined.

Thank you for being here. I hope you take care of yourself for the rest of your day and night.



Experience work can be a balancing act. To be vulnerable but not overly, to share my own story but give all the space to the other at the same time, to be fully involved and invested but at he same time to give myself some healthy space so it won’t take me down. It’s intense. But at the same time I can only do so much. When it’s good it’s really good. Like yesterday. And I’m going to try and repeat that today. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love. The pic is one of my favourite spots in Amsterdam.

@PositiveThoughts I’ve been coming here and posting for 1950 consecutive days now (ok there’s a one day hiatus when the site was down). That’s too much for most I know but I am sure there’s a correlation with my 1950 consecutive days of sobriety. I do notice in myself that many of the bad memories fade over time. I need to keep my sobriety fresh and this is one way I do. I’m glad you’re here. ODAAT friend.
@Twizzlers Good morning and success today friend :people_hugging:


You all have a wonderful day!


Just back from my trip to Poland. It could very easily have been a disaster but it wasn’t. Alcohol was freely available and being on a trip it would have been easy to slip up. I held firm stuck to my commitment and did not drink a sip of alcohol. I did indulge in a small frw Alcohol free beers but on triggers presented. I can now warmly look back on the trip with no regret or shame.
Since I got back I’ve been active and productive, if I had indulged I would have been in a heap for a few days.
A win win all around, I’m over the moon with how I handled it if I’m honest.
Pushing into day 80 :muscle:


Day 634.

I’m trying to get back in the habit of daily posting. Connection is the opposite of addiction and so I need to stay connected. Right now, my anxiety is through the roof. There’s so much to do, I don’t know where to start, so I just… freeze. It’s definitely something I need to work on if I wanna stand a chance at finishing this degree. It’s attempt no. 3 and probably my last chance at it. It is… a lot. 10 separate classes and about 30 books/essays that need reading + the grammar exercises and shit that needs memorising. It’s a lot.

Oh and I have a trip to the UK next week, so there’s this small niggle in the back of my mind worried about relapse. Not that I’m ever going back to previous insanity. But the worry is always there. Gotta stay vigilant and present and all that jazz.


188 days sober
Checking in early. Have had a busy morning with work meetings and going over translations with my Kazakh colleague. Things are looking good so far! It’s gonna be a busy afternoon/evening so am having an hour break to just be alone and recharge some. This evening I will meet with some Kazakh members who attend an AA group (amazing they have this here!!) and am really looking forward to that but gotta be honest this is a lot of socializing for me.


Congratulations with the :six::zero::zero: days @Just_Laura :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
Well done for the :five: days @sarath_unrelax , hope you’re “grumpy” feeling will fade soon. Seems like you have a lovely mom who cooks for you even if she feels tired! That’s a mom to cherish!
:two: weeks in your pocket @Lizziebeth :smile::facepunch:
Maybe you can sleep some houres after the physio @Twizzlers :sweat_smile: Have a good “workout” at the physio :face_with_peeking_eye: Hope it won’t be to painful!

Day 2212:walking_woman:
My mood is a bit flat. The things that are normaly uplifting for my mood are the things I cannot do right now with my feet into plaster.
Working helps a bit. But I work longer then I should and it’s difficult to keep my guards up. Yesterday I would leave for a half hour earlier because my feet hurds but I stayed because my co worker didn’t want me to leave.
I was mad at her, but more mad at myself because I choose work above my leg/myself.
Work in progress :blush:

Today? 4 houres work. Tonight familytime with the kids :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Have a good day ore night all, sober and clean :facepunch:


Thanks Claudia,

1 Like

Thank you so much for all your kind words, this place is wonderful.

Checking in on Day 19. I was very sad yesterday and wasn’t up to much. A lot of distracting myself with work. Today I don’t feel able to do work. I am just waiting on a phone call confirming my next scan.

All that aside, I am learning how to live with sadness without relying on alcohol. I am making progress. Nearly 3 weeks now.

I can see others are struggling too. Sending you all hugs


@Mno There is a triggering word in this post for you! :grin:
@SoberWalker Enjoy family night and healing energies for your foot :star:
@Laner Hope you get to have some quiet ‘me’-time soon.
@Amy30 As with sobriety I also believe in connection as helpful in other areas in your life. So if your learning schedule is overwhelming, maybe you could connect with other learners? Lean on support available for students? Anyways: Enjyo your weekend trip!
@Dustysprungfield Good job on staying sober on your trip Dave :+1:
@PositiveThoughts Good to see you back on your feet and to hear you are building a strategy for the future!
@Twizzlers Really great to see how you are going through this difficult time in your life and not using it as an excuse to listen to the addict voice. Instead staying sober and taking life as it comes, one moment at a time. Great job :muscle:
And building some structure that works with your current condition is a great idea. No sense in waiting for something to happen in your life. Just pick it up where you are.
@Lizziebeth Two weeks!!! :partying_face: Great job! If the shares here are helping you, help others by sharing too. Every day someone new will lurk into this thread, and it might be exactly your share that will help them to make a good decision.
@Timetochange Hope your mind gets out of the funk soon.
@Jesile Diggin that punching bag. And I can see a mat there. What are you planning on putting in your new gym else?

322 sugar
186 UPF
60 gluten
60 dairy

Gloomy day here, lots of rain. My daughter’s migrain is still on. One day at a time.
Did some yoga and a rowing workout this morning. Will be off to couple’s counceling in a few. Not much else going on today. Some errands, stuff that needs doing. Porbably some yoga to relax in the late afternoon. Maybe a Dharma meeting.

Picture for today: Buoy from Rotterdam harbour this summer.

Whatever comes: I’ll go for peace and love for life :lotus:


For all who live in Florida: stay safe!
Just read about the storm Milton in the news who is increasing rapidly in strenght.
Hope you all can hide in a safe place :pray:


Continuing to think about you @JennyH … Big hugs.
Hoping for the best of course.
Proud of you for going through this without alcohol. Hope you will get the call soon.


312 days
Gym. Nap. Back to work.


Day 6

I’m grateful for peace i’m getting, I’m able to concentrate on learning new skills and my sleep quality is improved.
Hope you all doing well


Day 240
Dear friends,
I wanted to take a moment to share something important with you. I recently found out that I have a brain aneurysm. It’s been a lot to process, and I wanted to let you know because you’re all important to me.

A brain aneurysm is a bulge in a blood vessel in the brain, and while it can be serious, I’m working closely with my doctors to understand the best path forward. I’m feeling a mix of emotions right now—concern, but also hope.

I appreciate your support and understanding as I navigate this.
Love you guys


That’s scary stuff Sebastiaan. My thoughts are with you :pray:


Happy hump day!

Had 2 awesome AA mtgs yesterday. Its also the start of day 3/30 of no caffeine. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it… :laughing:

The heat isnt working at my business and the person I scheduled to come out yesterday never showed. I get to practice what I learned in my program and handle the situation in a constructive way rather than the way my old self would have. It’s a great blessing that I dont have to be that person anymore.

Make it a great sober day!!!


Wrapping you in care and concern. Glad they found it so you can go forward with what to do. Wishing you the very best with it.
Thank you for posting … one day at a time. You are not alone.


@JazzyS forgive me again. I was trapped completely and doing badly. But again I started and with the help of friends and some Zoom meetings I am on my way again.


count on my prayers @Seb