4th day gets me every time

And yes, I can be a bit of an AA hardass. It’s not a secret. But they saved my life so I get a little defensive about it

Wow. That’s quite a story… I can see why you went through all the avenues you did. I will find a support group that works for me for sure. I need all the help I can get. I haven’t had a smoke since then either… just not craving it. In between the headaches & sleepiness I’m going to work & keep busy.

Yeah this is hard. Not even easy to admit I have a problem… but I have. This forum is great & when I’m home I can hop on & chat/ get support & information. Thanks for your positivity.

Excedrin is good for headaches. Has caffeine too

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You can try Refuge Recovery…Buddhist and mindfulness approach.


Yeah not responding anymore to this negativity. If I could figure out how to delete the thread I would. This is draining & a real turn off from what I came here to accomplish.

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I just heard a great message from an AAer with 41 years who is anti-God and very vocal about it. I wish I could introduce you to him bc I really think he would help. Basically his higher power is having faith in the program and personal responsibility. I’m not shy about having my higher power be God, but this guy had a great message and I definitely listened. 41 years is a decent amount of time.


Hey there, thanks for sharing…
I think that going to the gym is a great idea. But thats only 1 thing, so thats a start. But what else can you do though?
You need support! Maybe the womens meeting you go to you can get some phone numbers and call someone when you want to use. Call before not after you drink or use.
Keep busy and stay distracted. The gym will take up 1 or 2 hours of your day, so thats good. But what else can you do… read, write, cook, bake, go for a drive and enjoy your surroundings, go to a park, go for a walk, thrift shopping, i mean theres so much tou can do that i didnt name.
Find a hobby, something new or old that you lost due to drinking and/or drugging.
So maybe AA isnt for you right now, but maybe down the road. AA was my last resort honestly… But its working! Ive had success in my sobriety and have become a better person… i was able to find the support i needed bc all my so called friends were drinking or drugging. I come from a college town and partying is what goes down. So just keep AA as an option.
Honesty… i needed people to be brutally honest with me! I didnt need someone to beat around the bush and sugar coat anything. And trust me, i wasnt happy with some of the things i heard either… but bottem line, i needed to hear what other sober people had to say…
Change your people, places, and things… change up your people that drink for sober ones. Change the places you hang out. And the things you do…
What is it about day 4 or 5 that deives you to drink? Thats when you need to take more precautions. You can stay sober, one day at a time. Sometimes moment by moment. So hold on tight and reqch out before you drink, not after!


I actually got a good book from a client today… yes the gym is just 1 thing. This is not an easy road…been here before more than once. I don’t generally have “days” I drink on… I just get the cravings every 4 days or so. There’s always lots of occasions & reasons to do it…& it’s in my family pretty bad. There’s not much in my community as far as groups go so I’ll have to join somewhere else.

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Congrats on your sobriety!!!

It’s great to exercise, but I find that I do much better when I have a clear and specific goal or objective to achieve. The general “be healthy” lacks the focus I need to succeed. I achieved the best results when I was training for something. A marathon swim, or run. A century bike ride. Now it’s a black belt in a martial discipline.

Specific. Measurable. Achievable.

What’s the main difference between a flashlight, which illuminates, and a laser, which can cut through things? It’s energy and focus.


It’s more of a routine that I want to establish. I can’t stay away from my sweets!!! I keep busy between my kids & work… just that off time. I usually crave in the afternoon but if I make it to early evening I find it passes.

Thanks!! Yes I agree & I definitely need to have a sponsor so I have someone to fall back on when the urge hits

Routine…for me that means “ordinary”. Something that fills a block of time in my schedule, that is easily preempted if something more interesting or enjoyable comes along. Training for personal goal gives it importance. The training is essential to achieving the objective, but it is the achievement that is important. Without the goal, the training has limited value.

I know to get my Black Belt in Krav Maga in 24 months, I must test for the next belt every 60 days. To test every 60 days means 3 classes a week. In order to be able to physically handle 3 classes a week, I have to be able to put forth maxim effort for a solid 60 minutes. Therefore, I have to have the stamina and flexibility, the muscular strength and endurance to go longer than 60 minutes. I also have to demonstrate proper technique. This means practice, every day.

Agility drills. Flexibility. Cardio. Kettlebells. Lots of striking. Shadow boxing. Ground work. So every days is either class-day, or practice day…always with an eye on the objective; the belt.

But that’s me. Your mileage may vary.

If chocolate helps you get through a craving by all means get some damn chocolate. As far as I know you can’t overdose on Hershey’s.


Haha. Yep I’m stuffing my face!

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I recommend coffee as well. Coffee, duct tape, fire. The only solutions I need in life.


I would suggest diamond dark cocoa almonds. Feed the sweet tooth and get some healthy fiber and essential fats.


Mmmm!!! Tonight’s treat is beef jerky & Oreos… gross combo I know


Not really. When I eat sweets, I crave salt.

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