5 for....Recovery vs sobriety vs abstaining

What are top 5 things are you doing for your recovery? What’s your personal 5 reasons for getting sober? What’s the top 5 most positive things you’ve noticed since abstaining from your doc or addiction(s)?


Top 5 things I’m doing for my recovery
☆Morning recovery reading
☆Meditation and prayer each morning outside
☆AA meetings on my lunch break
☆Fellowship with recovering addicts/alcoholics in life and on this forum
☆Art and gardening therapy

My 5 personal reasons for getting sober
●mental health (depression/anxiety, wanting to die)
●spiritual health (lost soul, low self-esteem, no connection)
●physical health (3 day hangovers, no energy, putting myself in dangerous situations)
●no longer wanted to be ruled by obsession, fear, self-hatred, this person I had become that wasn’t the real me.
●wanted a life of happiness, hope, purpose. I had experienced it before and knew it existed.

5 positive things I’ve noticed since abstaining from alcohol, crack, and cocaine
:heart:I am so happy 95% of the time
:heart:I don’t fear the past or future. I live for today only.
:heart:Clear skin and eyes
:heart:Mental, spiritual, and emotional clarity. I can see the truth for what it really is.
:heart:Quality and content living based on honesty, integrity, and gratitude.


5 things i’m doing for my recovery
-going to AA
-working with a sponsor
-making time daily for personal reflection free of distractions
-setting and accomplishing at least one small daily goal
-journaling daily

5 personal reasons for getting sober
-absolutely fed up with living as a slave to substance abuse
-no longer wanted to go through the day in a numb and drunken state
-decided to actively participate in my life instead of feel as if i was idly watching it pass by
-fear of dying a drunk

5 things i’ve noticed in sobriety
-waking up is not a disappointment
-my attitude is something i can manage and its influence upon my mental health is tremendous
-living is pretty wonderful and i should not take it for granted
-abstaining from drugs/booze does not “fix” everything in life, but without sobriety i have no chance of improving whatsoever.
-i have hope and optimism for the future

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