5 year milestone again 🎊

Yessss!! And honour and a joy to be in your backpack! :school_satchel:

And you in mine, to be sure! :smile:

Let’s walk another day together, shall we? :athletic_shoe:

Onward, friend. Huge congratulations! :orange_heart:


Hi, many congratulations to you. Your story is inspirational to me, thanks for sharing. Have a great holiday :sparkling_heart:

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Thank you all! :pray::blush:
Did I do something for myself yesterday? No, I didn’t. I mentioned it to my hubby once and that was it. But before my holiday I bought myself a new Garmin watch so that’s my gift to myself.
And after our holiday I’m going to have dinner with a friend who quit smoking a year ago.
It’s fine, I even had doubts about sharing my milestone here. But it can help others by showing you can fall and can get up again.
I did and so can others.
Being in Scotland for a holiday is a great gift for a person who walked loads to get her recovery working. It was and is such a big part of the sober me.
I’m proud to be me, a sober walker.
(And maybe a bit an sober warior too :blush:).


@SoberWalker AMAZING WORK :dancer: xo

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You’ve always been an inspiration to me throughout this path we’ve shared.
Very happy for your successes.


A Garmin watch is a nice gift to yourself.
I’m glad you shared your milestone. My 4 year soberversary is today and I wasn’t going to celebrate with the ladies at AA but they all reminded me how important it is to show the newcomer this is possible.
Enjoy the remainder of your trip!




Nice one Lisa! That is genuinely amazing!

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Thank you @Jimmy99! :blush:

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Congrats on 4 years, you’re showing us how it’s done :sparkling_heart:


Thank you @PinkyP. Such kind words. :blush:


Four years?!
WooHoo! Sincere CONGRATULATIONS :clap::tada:

Is there cake?
I’m looking for cake.
So far I can’t see any cake.
Perhaps we need cake…



Congratulations for you as well Lisa!! :tada::tada::tada:

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@SoberWalker @Lisa07
Congratulations on your soberversaries :dancer::birthday::sun_with_face::four_leaf_clover::sunflower:


Thank you @AyBee!
We do have cake but getting it to you will be a challenge considering you live in the future. :rofl::joy:

Thank you @SoberWalker. Sharing an anniversary with you is such an honor. :blush:

Thanks @erntedank! So happy to be on this journey with you.


Congrats @SoberWalker !!!

Amazing work! You are an amazing invaluable supporter here!!! Everone is lucky to have you here!

Also, my wife says hi! :wave::blush:

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Congrats Claudia. :heart:
So happy to be walking beside you on this journey. :sparkles:

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Ha ha, thank you and a enthusiastic “hi” back to your lady! :raising_hand_woman:

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Congratulations, after a year i felt accomplished my “winewitch” was like ok i can control this if i want a beer. So i have had moderation to black outs arguing with that voice daily.