6 Month inner voice telling me it is OK to drink again!

Please give me some advise on how to stop the 6 month thoughts of, as I have done 6 months why not have a drink as I am not addicted. I have fallen for this thought before and regretted it…

But why does it persist?

I know how great I am feeling, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, as a parent, and as an employee. Literally everything in my life is much better.

That little voice is getting louder and louder…

Advise please!


Congrats on your 6 months Alex. That addict voice can be such a pain in the ass - a persistent annoying pain!

Find different ways to keep yourself busy - hobbies or tasks or new classes (sometimes YouTube comes in handy). The voice is just testing you and feeding false lies which you already know. Change up your routines as that may help too. Dig deep into your tool box Alex - you have done amazing work with 6 months :muscle:

Take time to read around here. I find reading others stories and posts really help me stay the course. The advice and support here is amazing. Also the “just for fun” threads provide a good distraction.

Here for you friend - keep pushing forward and tacking on the days. You are stronger than this addiction. Just remember it takes one sip to slide backwards and it is so not worth it. You will have not gained anything from it.

Grateful that you are living a better life in sobriety :people_hugging:


Finding that reading regularly around here, hearing people’s stories, learned habits, focus has helped me immensely.
It’s one of those things that we need to keep reminding ourselves of.
The folks that regress and hearing the disappointment in there words is heart breaking .

I’m doing this for me, but also to honor all those that have struggled and fell, as well as all those that preserved and keep the focus each and every day…

Best wishes you make it by this speed bump! And huge congratulations on the 6 month mark. Very nice.


Helping others new to recovery stopped that little voice for me. I needed to be reminded of where I came from and what life was like in active addiction as well as the withdrawal stage.


Congratulations on the 6 months Alex. Like Lisa said helping others stay sober keeps me sober. I would read around here or specifically the check in thread and find people I could tell what worked for me. Or even just acknowledge and listen and respond kindly. Anything. Just interact with other addicts on here or even better in real life.

Or get over to the gratitude thread. I’ll show you the way Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5
And list everything you’re grateful for now that you’re sober. Or read what we all are grateful for now that we are sober. I do this every day. It works.

Keep up the great work. Your brain is pulling out all the stops at this point. It doesn’t like this sober stuff. It’s not use to it.

I know for me. Never in my whole life have I ever had just one. It’s not gonna happen now either.


Congratulations on 6 months. I can only second what has been said so far. In addition i would like you to play the tape forward. What will it be like if you give in and have that first drink? Will there be a second, third…how often will that happen? Rather sooner than later you will be back where you have been. Say No to that voice, say No to the first drink. This feeling will pass!


I feel like…why would you keep going back to the same thing expecting a different result? It will never be ok to go there…it doesnt work for you…nothing would be different this time. There are many things in this life to fill your life with than something that will ultimately destroy you.


Every. Single. Time.


I don’t have wise words to add Alex but want to say congratulations on your 6 month sober.
You know that inner voice is lying. Nothing good ever comes from alcohol. It is a poison.
You said yourself that your life is so much better without the drink. So why would you put that on risk?
Say no to that sneaky voice! Say no to that first drink!
Say YES to a better life, yes to a sober life!
It’s so worth it!


First congrats 6 months is absolutely awesome work, I listened to that voice on my first 6 month quit many years ago, mine was more a question of can I just have 2 and some curiosity on what it will feel like.

Fast forward years later and more relapses than stars in the sky and I think I found my answer.

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I know in the past. I had 14 months clean and voice in my head kept telling me that it was OK. I was strong now go ahead. You feel great celebrate. Celebration led to the bottom real quick. I would say pray. Stay around sober friends and work the program.
Congratulations on your 6 months.


Remember how awful you felt when you started trying to quit alcohol. That version of you wanted to be where you are today. Picture a hangover in detail. Then take yourself through having that first drink mentally. You might be able to have one and quit for the night but the desire to have more will creep back. The next night its two drinks, then five and then all of them.

You’ve done this. You know what that path holds. Keep walking toward sobriety and see what new stuff you can see that way. Good job reaching out with a craving. Check back to tell us if you made it through?


Congratulations on your 6 months! Literally the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results :woman_facepalming:t2:… Keep moving forward and do not go backwards… Concentrate on the day…”I will not drink today” I am early on my sobriety journey but this mentality is helping me… I had a dream last night I drank and woke up this morning terrified… “it was just a dream” That alone put a smile on my face and motivated me to keep moving forward. I am religiously on this app everyday day! So grateful for the support and the amazing people :innocent: Again congrats and wishing you nothing but the best :blue_heart: You got this!