6 months finally! 🙏🏻

I am so proud of myself and so is my mom and my fiancee and counselor. I’m officially half a year clean from DXM and Self Harm, According to the counter. and I honestly don’t think I could’ve made it this far without this community and everyone’s encouragement and positive messages. I love that I can talk about trauma here without being judged or scorned for it. Everyone here is very welcoming and there are many people here who have gone through shit I can’t even imagine going through but are here to help. But I can’t give the community all the credit. My main motivation has been my means and willpower to stay away from cough syrup and pills and to keep my relationship strong and healthy. Also I’ve gotten more into artwork again ever since I kicked my addiction and started to develop more healthy hobbies, I’ve been able to spend more time with my little girl and I’ve been able to get my head on the right track. This doesn’t mean I can just turn back though because I’ve made it this far. It’s not a road trip. It’s an unending journey fighting the fucking demons in your head wanting you to hurt yourself or take a drug that’s going to cause an out of body Experience. That’s your addiction talking to you and you have to constantly fight off those demons once you let them inside your head until you know they are finally gone if they ever do go away. Lately my sleep has gotten better, yet I still have the habit of being nocturnal and sleeping during the day or being holed up in my room and being awake at night, which in my current living situation I’m able to do, at least until me and my fiancee are able to find a place to go and I’m a bit of an Insomniac and Night owl in the first place so I don’t really care much I just want some sleep. Anyways, off on a tangent sorry, I look forward to many more happy years of sobriety :heart: and I want to thank everyone here for getting me to this point.


I’m so happy for you and proud, remember everything you have done to get to this point in your recovery and keep on doing it one day at a time. Congratulations and God bless you and your loved ones.


Congratulations! Great work :clap::partying_face::partying_face:

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Well done on your 6 months!!!

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Congratulations Chase. What a wonderful grateful share. I’m so happy that you’ve come this far. And how exciting for you.
Great job.
Keep up the good work.
You so worth it. And so is that adorable little beauty you got there.

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Amazing job! Congratulations!