6+ months in

Im still on this sober journey.
Cravings have completely stopped.
Constantly setting goals , studying up more about addictions and staying immersed in therapy.
Everyday in sobriety is a blessing, so greatful for my life .

Any tips to help me keep going? Always looking for a new challenge,
I’ve taken up doing art, playing the piano. Joined the gym. My one bad habit is spending too much time gaming . Really have to start reigning that in, key word , “start” …asap.


Congratulations on your 6 months :fireworks:


Fantastic Job! Keep up the great work!


Congrats @Thori for reaching the 6 month milestone! Its good to hear you arent having cravings. Remain vigilent. Keep fighting the good fight!


Congrats on your 6 months!

Keep up the great work!

This is impressive - So much time on our hands when we give up the nasty addiction.

I feel like you are doing the absolute best in getting through the sobriety journey. Love that you are finding ways to keep yourself busy and learning new and exciting things.


Congrats on your 6 months!! Finding something that is healthier to be into can be challenging …I took up baking for awhile but that lead to lots of sweets eating. I do like running and would like to do more…it is unbearably hot lately tho. Maybe walking? That seems like a good distraction and healthy for brain and body. Just some thoughts!!!

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