6 months off suboxone today!

When I originally reached out on here, I was only a few days off suboxone and never thought I’d make it to six months clean … I was tired, sick, depressed…I had terrible insomnia and restless leg… but the people I met on here urged me to just keep pushing through!! it was the people on here and the amount of support I received that made all the difference in my recovery… I just want to share my milestone with u guys and say thank you so much!! :slight_smile:


Hell yeah! Awesome job!

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Thanks so much !!!

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That’s amazing!! Be proud of yourself :muscle:

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What a milestone! Well :heavy_check_mark: done

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6 months that’s great to hear :slightly_smiling_face: congratulations!!

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@Erijade Was thinking about you the other day. So glad to see you hit the six month mark! :clap:t3: :clap:t3:
I hope you’re still doing well!

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That’s awesome! Keep up the good work.

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I’m at 9 months and 12 days!! … Im just keeping myself really busy … but yes I’m still on the right track :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Big congrats :muscle:

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Heck yeah! :partying_face: So glad to see you checking in and still doing well!!

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