Well I have a long story . And I don’t think I can fit it all here ,but what began the real awareness that I needed to change was I overdosed and went into a comafor six weeks . It happened on my mother’s birthday and I didn’t know it . I was in the hospital and on a breathing machine because I wasn’t breathing on my own or getting enough air . I was like that for six weeks . The doctors in the ICU were standing beside me and I over me when I opened my eyes asking me too many damn questions. They asked me if I knew where I was ,what day I thought it was, the month , all the things I should have known . They told me it was birthday Happy birthday they said . I told em no it isn’t . They told me what happened ,how I came to be there .I was strapped to the gurney by the legs an arms . Like they weren’t letting me fly to heaven or hell if I died and God swooped on to take me home . They wouldn’t have it. Lol . The odds of falling to sleep on my mom’s bday and awakening on mine are … Astronomical. God wanted to show me something . During my days and nights of drug seeking using or wishing I was dead and when I thought I wasn’t loved or worth anything God heard something. He knows . When I thought He didn’t love me He kept quiet . I love you God thank you for loving me . Thank you for showing me too. I love you and I know you love me even more .
This is an incredible story! So glad you are here and welcome to the TS community!
Thank you pattycake I like the the username lolol
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Thank you pattycake:) and cool username too lolol
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Welcome and congrats for your 6 months
You’re very welcome. You are always welcome here.