6 months today .it's been a long one

It took me a long time to get here this I really want it … I came a long way I have my ups n downs … I been having a lot of firsts for myself they surprise me I been handling them as they come some are bad n some are good … trying to find emotions and heart now getting my health back


Congrats! :muscle:
180 days of healing is awesome!


That’s amazing!

6 months is incredible!! :heart::butterfly:

You’re well on your way, congrats on 6 months free! Are you doing any thing to work toward this? Counseling? Journaling? Writing in a journal has helped me the most, but everyone is different and processing stuff differently.

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Six months is truly an important milestone. Congratulations on this achievement! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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Nice! Congratulations on 6 months of freedom! :tada:

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Massive achievement well done :+1:

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