6 months today.!

Its been quite a ride but managed 6 months today. I’ve been able to accomplish so much in so little time sober and incredibly thankful for the support found in these groups and A.A. I am going through a bit of a lull however. Not sure what o need to do to get out of the funk as what i was doing before isn’t quite doing it. Hopefully, I can get some suggestions or advice here.


Congratulations on your 6 months!! That is just wonderful.

I know for myself that often milestones would bring up feelings like a funk…it did pass, but I always found it odd at first. Now I tend to think of those times like big flashing neon reminders of all I fought so hard for…flashing and flashing…don’t blow this! You are strong! You are doing this! And so on…keeping me on track. YMMV of course. :heart:


Congratulations on 6 months!! Half a year! That’s amazing.

I also have my ups and downs, they usually pass relatively quickly. I just try to remember how much I’ve accomplished since I became sober (sounds like it’s been a lot for you :+1:).

Just think of how much better your life is now. You could also come up with something you’ve always wanted to do but never did it because of your drinking. Then do that thing…That’s such a powerful feeling. It could be something small like a project around the house or something like a trip or new hobby you want to start.

Hope this helps!!

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Congratulations on 6 months! :clap:t2::clap:t2:

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Congratz on 6 months !!

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You’ve been getting better at getting better for 6 months? Solid! Keep getting after it!

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