6 weeks of sobriety today

Hello to all of you lovely people :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am so happy to share that today it is 6 weeks since my first day of being sober. I want to thank everybody for their support so far, and encourage everyone who is facing challenges, it can and will be done. You just have to be ready and also make the decision to stay substance-free.

I had lunch today with some other ladies, there was champagne and I was asked to open the bottle, I did but I was not in the least bit interested in having any, especially on my 6 week milestone day… not starting this journey again!!

Encouragement and blessings to you always,

Love from Down Under :kangaroo: :koala: :heart: xo


Well done lady and keep those sober days coming! :facepunch:
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Thanks @SoberWalker!!

Instead of a mid-life crisis I am having a mid-life celebration haha xo


Love this! I am borrowing it as that will be my new resolution. Massive congratulations on 6 weeks :partying_face:


@JennyH haha thanks so much! It occurred to me as I was heading out the door this morning and I only just remembered lol!!! xo


Way to go Susy - should be super proud of your accomplishment! Keep going strong :muscle:

Grateful to have you with us here :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congratulations on 6 weeks! You’re doing great!

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@JazzyS @lorelai @Scorpn Thank you so much :heart: I’m loving it lol… just did my longest walk so far in my sober/health journey. Just over 15km in about 3 hours (just over 9 miles if you are not in Australia)… Saw some cute wild ducks too!

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