6 Years of Sobriety ♡

Wow Mandy! Huge congratulations, your post brought me to tears. You are such a fantastic inspiration for all of us and you seem to be positively glowing in your recovery. Thank you for sharing your incredible story.

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What a beautiful necklace for a beautiful lady to commemorate this milestone. :heart_eyes:

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Congratulations! This is really great! You have come a long way!!!
I am here for over 5 years now and you have been an inspiration from the beginning! Thank you very much!!


Well done your proof the program does work , big 6 many more to come im sure


It sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate :heartpulse: and I absolutely adore the necklace :heart_eyes:


Just Wow…im in awe, you are amazing :heart: :clap:


Last night I met up with my old roommate and had dinner. We are sober coin buddies and he gave me this beauty!

On my way home, I stopped and pulled over. That coin was so right on and there is SO much beauty all around me. I just had to take it all in and sit in that gratitude.

I am presently living in an entirely new life. I’m living between the mountains and the lake. This life is one I’d never dreamed I could have while I was still using. Every day was a struggle to just make it through it. And life now isn’t perfect, but I’ve come to realize it isn’t supposed to be! The more I work my recovery, the better I am at navigating it though.

The gratitude that poured out of me brought me to tears. And as I came home, I went out to the hot tub and when I looked up as I was getting out and saw this lone bright star, I cried again lol. Life is effing good and I am blessed. My higher power doesn’t make mistakes and I’m exactly where I am supposed to be in this moment. I’m thankful for that connection and for my sobriety, as those two things have made all of this possible. I know life will keep changing, but I’m damn grateful for where I am in this moment. :heart:


Congratulations on 6years! and thank you so much for sharing! I can really relate to your story in so many ways…yeah drinking if it was a “sunny day”, or a “rainy day”, or hey its Friday = have to drink…oh yeah and also if its Monday…
My life completely changed as well when I did 2 things: Really admitted I was an alcoholic and that I wasn’t in control of it (I mean really admitted it - to myself and to my wife)…and, prayed…Hard.
For me I put myself into rehab - I would highly recommend that personally. It wasn’t all of the lectures and ‘training’ in rehab, it was the other people. We were all completely different people and yet all the same - we had a common connection - Addiction.
I’m coming on 2yrs now and finally after many years see a future for myself and my family and couldn’t be happier.
So happy for you - thank you for sharing. This forum really helps and its great to hear stories like your own.

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Thank you @MandiH for speaking your truth and carrying the message to us. You are an inspiration.