6 years sober... and new here

Yesterday was the 6th anniversary of my quitting drinking… and the first year I actually “missed” remembering my anniversary. I guess that’s a good thing? It helps to celebrate wins, but it’s also important to remain wary and honest with ourselves. This is daily work.

Sobriety is up and down for me - mostly up, thankfully. I find myself pretty content most of the time not craving alcohol, but there are times I just want to escape my anxiety and stress full-force with something stronger than deep breaths and patience. My family and friends are mostly understanding of my giving up the drink, but I still sometimes feel like I’m missing out on part of the social energy, warmth, and connection. Especially as my “pink cloud” has long passed. I just think back to the hangovers and many, many embarrassments I had while drinking - and that helps to quell the cravings.

I’ve moved to different countries twice since giving up alcohol. First from the U.S. to Santiago, Chile… and I moved to Dublin, Ireland in March. To say it’s a challenge to stroll around Dublin sober would be an understatement. I’ve had more cravings here than I had over two years in Santiago. I can’t say anyone has been “pushy,” but the convivial pub atmosphere can make sobriety tough. I manage… at least there are good NA drink options and I can eat my body weight in fish and chips.

Anyway, I’m so glad to join Talking Sober and meet other folks who are navigating daily life without booze in a world that’s soaked in it.

I love to write. I write to manage my emotions around not drinking, to reflect on my past, and to help others who are working on a life with less (or no) alcohol. I maintain a blog on sobriety and I also recently wrote a poetry collection about my experiences with drinking, quitting, and recovery.

I want to keep writing in a more interactive way here - so thanks for welcoming me!


6 years is amazing!!! Well done my friend.

Living in Dublin would be a beast of a challenge. Takes zen level sober muscles to withstand living there :rofl:

Can you share some of your poetry with us?


Welcome this old Scotsman been to Dublin many time . the crack there is good ( crack meaning the patter}


Thank you! All craic and no booze for me! I can’t wait to pay a visit to Scotland - hopefully soon.

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Thank you so much! I’m working hard to find some zen… it’s mostly spastic day-to-day distraction and avoidance for now. Hopefully I’ll get there eventually!

I can’t share a link but if you search for “some like it sober”, you’ll find my blog. There’s a subpage called “The Dark Dance” that has some of my poetry.


Awesome. I’ll be sure to check it out!

6 years is an amazing number. Whatever you’re doing…keep doing it. Surely your life is better now than it ever has been.


Ok. I checked it out. What a great blog!! Did you create that all by yourself? You’re Dana G? :+1:

Welcome! Thanks for sharing your successful story with us! Very inspiring. Reminding ourselves why we quit is like a muscle we need to hone and do so regularly to keep it sharp. Odaat! Can you link your blog? (Edit: I see you already shared how to access your blog)


Welcome Dana! My name is Dana also :slight_smile: Congratulations on ur sobriety! Sounds like uv done alot of work to get here. Its great to have u here and hope to see u posting more!

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Thank you! :smiley: Yes - it was a great “pet project” for me starting a few months into sobriety. I really needed something to channel everything I was learning and experiencing. Something better than alcohol to obsess over! I haven’t kept up with writing posts as often, but I still try to put something out at least a couple of times per year.

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Thanks for the warm welcome!

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Huge congratulations @dgittings! Quite an inspiring post, thank you

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Heyo I’ve just read your part about alcohol myopia. Its very relatable. And also gives strength. For me drawing and writing (short stories/books/diary) and dancing are my creative forces I use to regain control in my life. But I have to do it daily to get full effect.

Sobriety is very beneficial to all my creative pursuits, one big reason why I want to quit.


That’s amazing - and I wish I could draw! I agree, using creative energies is an amazing way to regain control and produce something meaningful as a record of our transformation. For ourselves most importantly, but sometimes, for other people as well.

And yes - I couldn’t write (or think) clearly if I was still drinking regularly and dealing with all of the hangovers, anxiety, and shame that came with it! I still have loads of anxiety, but writing is one way to channel it.

Welcome to TS, nice to meet you. Loved your blog. :heart:

Congratulations on 6 yrs what an achievement going from hopless to hope, and from just existing to living. Myself will hit the big 6 mark if my higher power sees fit for me. Thank you for sharing and continue forward on your journey.

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Thank you! You’ve got this! It doesn’t all get easier, but many things certainly do.