6 years sober and still wonder what's more to come 🌱

I’m here for a long time…
A little more then 6 years now and a few days ago I celebrated my 6 years sober aniversary.
But I’m in recovery for more then 12 years.
Proud at the process: 5 years sober, 1 and a half a year trying the moderating “thing” and then 6 years sober. My relaps learned me that moderation doesn’t work for me and a total sober life gives me peace of mind.

No more voices in my head telling me how much to drink, were to hide bottles, what to tell others, where to buy wine, etc.
My mind is my own again instead of sharing it with my “winewitch”.

Is my life perfect?
Is my life easy?
Do I still have cravings?
Yes, sometimes.
But is it worth it?

If I could turn back time I would have never drank a sip ever in my life. So I would have never infected myself with alcolism. But I can’t turn back time (nice song though :blush:).
So I deal with it the best I can. Helping myself and others too maybe.
Investing in my personal growth instead of numbing myself is one of the biggest changes in my life. My life has become so much more colourfull and I’m happy to have found you all here too!
I’m not proud of my drinking days, but I sure am proud of my achievements in the last 12 years.
I did this myself.
Myself and with the help of you all here!

Happy to share my 6 year milestone and my thoughts with you all :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Thank you all for being my sober tribe! :heart_hands:

Claudia :raising_hand_woman:


Woo hoo! Congratulations Claudia! :partying_face: :tada:
6 years is fantastic! So happy to be walking this path with you.


Congratulations Claudia and thanks for your inspirational also.




Claudia you are inspiring to me.


Just wow. You are doing it. :birthday::face_exhaling:


Congratulations on your 6 years!! That is amazing!! Very happy for you!!! :heart::sunflower::partying_face::birthday:


Amazing!!! Great work my friend. 6+ years of sobriety is impressive work. Grateful that the replase solidified no moderation. That’s a hard lesson for us all.

So grateful to have you with me in this journey. Appreciate your check ins and input. Keep shining bright :tada::confetti_ball::muscle:t4:


Happy 6 years! I’m happy to be on this journey with you :heart::man_dancing::partying_face:


Aww. Good morning from California Claudia. What a beautiful message to read first thing this morning. I’ve so loved following your journey here. You’ve always been a huge inspiration to me on this wonderful sober journey we get to be on. I’m so grateful to have met such a beautiful person, in you, in this crazy journey of sobriety.
Thank you :pray:t2:


You did think I wasn’t gonna drop a gif did ya?

Congratulations on your 6 years of constant sobriety and reinforcing moderation doesn’t work.



I am so thankful you have remained here through your years of sobriety. Your wisdom and experience has helped me and countless others I am sure. I was just thinking I want to celebrate my years of sobriety here with the greatest folk ever. I am not going anywhere. Well yes I am I got to get to my AA Meeting but I will be back soon. :hugs:


What a beautiful and inspiring share. Thank you :pray:. You’ve been a beacon for me as I’ve walked the path of sobriety. Huge congratulations on your 6 years and thank you again for helping me and others see it’s possible.



Huge congratulations on your six+ years of sobriety! Thank you for sharing your journey, your life and your thoughts so freely with us. You’ve been a huge part of my sobriety as well :orange_heart:


Congrats on 6 years of sobriety and personal growth :four_leaf_clover::tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:


Congratulations @SoberWalker your an inspiration to me :heart:


Congratulations on 6 years Claudia :clap: :raised_hands:!


Congratulations on the six years and all the other time not drinking too !

Most importantly, congratulations for really knowing that moderation will never work for you and knowing how much better your life is without alcohol!

Thank you for leading the way, being a huge inspiration, and passing your thoughts and feelings on to the rest of us in the wonderful way you do!

Big hugs for your celebration and each day going forward. xxx

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Hang in there with “ODAAT”, 6 yrs is a great foundation for your sober journey to continue. Maybe you’ll find a new occupation, hobby or group of friends? Maybe you’ll deepen personal relationships you’re already involved with?

It’s a long strange trip, and we all recover at varying rates, so openness and appreciation for sober blessings can bring us differing rewards. I started traveling, first domestically, then internationally, inc. Bora Bora and French Polynesia, and Australia and New Zealand. Attended meetings in these countries as well as on cruise ships in Europe and the Caribbean. My relationships with my adult twin kids certainly improved, as well as my marraige to my earth based wife.

Sometime after making progress with amends around 5 yrs sober, the alcohol problem disappeared and hasn’t come back in the ensuing 35 yrs of my continuous clean time. I had drank every day from the age of 16 to 33, and now am sober from 33 to 73. Who woulda thunk it?


HUGE congratulations on 6 years of sobriety Claudia!!!
Wow u are such an inspiration to me. 6 years is something i never have achieved but am hoping to, one day at a time. Thank u for always being here and for ur dedication to this forum :slight_smile: im sooo very proud of you!!

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