Today is day 60 of no alcohol. Boom pop the Seltzer water.
I did have some urges today though. Maybe it is the change of seasons. I always loved when it gets dark around 4:30 and crowding into the bar right when it gets cold. However, i always loved going into the bar when it was sunny and gorgeous.
Then one drink turns into 17 and that one day turns into two weeks. Waking up with anxiety from the night before and then always hungover.
Im very proud of my 60 days. I find it a wee bit harder to stay focused. This app helps, but i need to branch out more cause this fight is far from over.
i hear ya on branching out to stay focused. Need to do whatever we can to protect our sobriety. We are here rooting for you. Keep stacking on the sober days!
Congrats use the cooping skills that get you this far. If you need something extra try meetings. You can test the waters on a zoom meeting Google AA or NA or whatever fellowship fits your DOC. They work when you work it