60 days off bottom lines in SLAA

I have officially made it 60 days without acting out on my bottom line behaviors. This includes talking to past flings or anyone else looking to hook up, using dating apps for any reason, or talking to my ex (qualifier). This is huge for me, since when I’m single I’m always hunting for the next guy.

I started sharing my step 4 progress with my SLAA sponsor today. She really helped me understand a lot and speaking things out loud made me hear my wrongs and my not so wrongs lol.

I’m still attending meetings regularly, but have cut back some since my son is out of school. I’m trying to adjust to the new schedule but I’ve managed to keep up on some of my routines. After the first week of him being home i now see where i can make adjustments.

I’m practicing positive affirmations daily and listen to meditations at bedtime. I’ve learned about swimming pool maintenance so that’s something new and i enjoy it, along with the pool! I’m getting lots of natural vitamin D and it feels so good. Plus getting tan is nice too :sunglasses: I’m recognizing my character defects more and more everyday, especially impatience and frustration. So I’m practicing letting go when i notice it happening. I’m really starting to feel better all around.

On top of that I’m 69 days weed free. I enjoy being clear headed for once in my life. I’m going to continue working on me and not feel bad about it. I want to be fully present for my son and help him become a better functioning adult than i have been the last 20+ years.

Thank you for reading. And thank you for everyone’s encouragement. Reading stories is also inspirational and helps more than most people would think. Thank you everyone! We got this!


Hey Crystal
So good to see your post- hadnt heard from you in a while
So thrilled for you. Wishing you the best on this journey and you are absolutely right!!! We do have this


Thank you! It hasn’t been easy! But I’m worth it. I’m not allowing myself to be used and abused by myself or others any longer.

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Oh thats beautiful Crystal and im so happy for you.

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Yahoo! Congrats on your 60 days. Keep it going. :sunglasses::muscle:t2::heart:


Congratulations :clap:

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