60 days sober…time for a proper introduction!

60 days without a drink…I think it’s time for my first proper post. I’m Russell and I’m an alcoholic/drunk/have Alcohol Use Disorder. Whatever you want to call it…I don’t get bogged down by the labels. 60 days ago I entered into medical detox. It wasn’t my first time, but this time it scared the absolute shit out of me. I had previously been sober approximately 7 years……when I started to drink again my alcoholism had changed. I had become a binge drinker…every 4 weeks or so I’d drink for like 3 or 4 days straight. Basically spend the entirety of those days intoxicated. I’d then pull my shit together and bounce back…I have a skill for bouncing back rather quickly from benders (not sure it’s a good thing). This last time though it went on for 2-3 weeks…not really sure on the timeframe and I don’t really care to go back and do the math. I was in a dark, sad, lonely, unhealthy place…was only leaving the house to go to the liquor store and was barely interacting with anyone, leaving all who cared about me terribly worried. I was physically ill and mentally a mess and not sure I could pull out of this one…I was given the gift of desperation and got myself into detox. The first week was hell, as I knew it would be…but I was able to spend a lot of time thinking & it became clear I needed to take action. Action beyond just telling myself that I won’t do that again.

These 60 days (more like 53 as the first week really just consisted of laying on the couch & licking my wounds) I’ve practiced daily prayer (to nature), meditation, journaling, & exercise. These are things I’ve done for years and they’re very helpful, but they all have one thing in common… they’re all solitary exercises. I needed to add to my toolbox & what needed to be added was other people that had been through similar things that understood me. I couldn’t just do this myself. I needed a recovery community. I started going to AA & SMART recovery meetings. Started individual and group therapy. I got a sponsor. I downloaded a couple of recovery apps including this one. I’ve read lots of posts on here and taking in everyone’s ups and downs has been motivating and inspiring. I’ve been uplifted by how supportive everyone on here is and look forward to participating in this community. I thank every one of you for sharing your ups and downs in such a vulnerable way. I’m grateful.

Anyways…that’s my introduction. Looking forward to interacting with all of you. LFG :slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing! Great job on the 60 days, but more importantly on making the decision to change your life. Stay strong, and enjoy all the good things that lie ahead.


Thanks for introducing yourself, congrats on 60 days of sobriety, and (a belated) welcome to Talking Sober Russell!

I feel you got yourself well set up for a long lasting sobriety now. I’m impressed with how you thought this out. Just as long as you keep on putting the work in each day you won’t fail I think. Wishing you all success and growth on your sober journey.


Congratulations on your 60 days Russell. What a great share.
Thanks for your introduction.
I hope to see you around.
ODAAT :pray:t2::heart:


Dang! This was such a great post. I’m thrilled for you and your loved ones and your courage!


Welcome and congrats on your 60 days!!!


Love your story. Really helps me reading this. Congratulations :tada: on 60 days. Keep up the good work


Congratulations on your 60 days, Russell! And thanks for the introduction!


Hello Russell, and welcome!

Your dedication to sobriety, daily and consistent steps, building community, growing sobriety, that all sounds like the actions of a person who has a better that fighting chance. I look forward to your journey and your contributions.


Thanks everyone for the kind replies and encouragement. It’s truly appreciated. :heart_hands: