60 days tomorrow

I’ve very proud of myself for reaching (Well almost reaching, one day at a time right) this milestone. Many of the friends I had made in treatment have already gone back out including one that mattered dearly to me who would’ve had my same sober date so it almost comes bitter sweet my having 60days, however im still very pleased with myself. Im starting this topic for anyone to comment on with any amount of proud time theyd like to aknowledge or encourage/challenge anyone to beat… one of my favorite AC’s in treatment used to always introduce himself as a “I’m [soandso] a grateful recovering alcoholic and addict with 28years and I challenge any of yall to beat me!”… so with him as inspiration I’d love some motivation from anyone with more time and I challenge anyone with less to beat me!


Challenge accepted!!:heart::heart:

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I am moments away from 45 days, so forever chasing you! Congrats on your 60. That is fantastic, and reason to be very proud of yourself.

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Great job on 2 months!!! I can’t wait to get my 60 day chip. I am 7 days away. :blush:


congratulations @MissKrystall, I’ll be joining you at the 60 day milestone in just 16 days!! Hollahollaholla😎


LOFL :sunglasses::grin:hollahollahollaholla

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60 days no alcohol for me tomorrow! I am taking it one day at a time. Hope you are doing well.

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