Wow! Congratulations on 600 sober. Such an amazing achievement, you deserve to feel so very proud and accomplished for this is no easy feat. Well done :hugs:

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Also, Cheryl, can you please share with us how you’ve maintained your 600 days? What program of recovery or tools/strategies have helped you to be sober for 600 days? What’s your process, thoughts?

Hi Cheryl, your post caught me eye! Congratulations on 600 days sober! My story is similar to yours 575 days for me today, let’s keep on this path! Have a great day, John Corso

Amazing proud of you

I’ll be honest, I didn’t really use a program. I had quite drinking before, but started drinking again occasionally back in 2018. In July of 2018 I got my first DUI and also found out I was pregnant. I immediately felt horrible about my choices and drinking, so for obvious reasons I immediately quit drinking. Sadly in late August, I found out there was a program and lost the baby in early September. It was a horrible process/experience and I was devastated. I started drinking more and it was a downward spiral from there. Getting drunk almost everyday, being so devestated that I honestly just didn’t care anymore. In February 2019, I was driving home, hit black ice and was in a horrible car accident – I also got my second DUI. My accident changed me and I realized I couldn’t keep going down the path I was on. My road to recovery started with the desire to change. From there it was a day by day choice to try. As the days passed things got easier. My significant other and I ended up getting pregnant (again) which was both a blessing and helped a lot in my road to recovery because I wasn’t about to relapse and drink while pregnant. I was worried about what would happen once my daughter was born and if I’d be able to stay sober, but I’ve got a point where I just don’t have the desire to go back to where I had been.


Well done- I’m 3 days behind you :blush::ok_hand:


Yes!! I just realized how much time has passed. It still feels like yesterday



Wow. Thank you for sharing. I’m 6 days off 600. Just taking it one day at a time though. Tonight I’m going to bed sober, and that makes me feel good :blush:

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