62 Days In - Feeling Weak

I have stayed clean from alchohol for 62 days now.
Over the past 3 days I’ve noticed my mind really imagining drinking beer (until I blackout).
On several occasions now this morning I was ready with my backpack (for beer) to walk to the liquor store and buy whatever I can for just the morning.
I do put a stop to these thoughts, my question is it normal to suddenly feel these urges?
I was fine for 2 whole months without no thought of drinking.


from what i’ve read on this forum from people who have been sober for years is that urges will come and go throughout your sobriety, no matter the duration. reminds me… my grandmother quit smoking 50 years ago but still has a fondness for smoking. the addiction never leaves us. congrats on 62 days! thats great! and remember, the urges will pass.


Hey @Francisco_Cornejo, sometimes urges or cravings do come out of the blue. My experience, much more often, is that something is wrong with me. I may be hungry, angry, lonely or tired. I may need the fellowship of AA. I may be getting egotistical and losing my spiritual connection.

If we treat only the symptom and ignore the cause, the symptom will return.


I see, thank you so much for your input.
It’s a very tough little mental battle when that urge does occur, because I feel I shouldn’t be resisting so desperately.

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i practice the HALT method very often and find it very effective in powering through an urge to drink. :slight_smile:


I appreciate you sharing your experience. Thanks.

Just make it to the next minute, and then the next minute, and so on. If you can, do something you enjoy to get your mind off of it and if possible get around some people that you can be honest with and do that, let them know how you’re feeling…Prayers headed your way!

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I feel you today I am struggling being in the very early stages. If you need to chat I’m home all evening and don’t mind a bit !

I drove into a parking lot of an old usual spot today and was very upset that I let myself stop, because I now had to feel stupid as I drove away.


Hay just wondering how u r today x

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The urge will come and go. Stay strong!!

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Congratulations on 62 days!!! I hope you’re feeling better than yesterday. YOU GOT THIS :facepunch:t2:

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I’ve quit smoking 16 years ago.

Last year, I was in a restaurant alone, during a business trip, having a glass of wine. I looked out of the window and saw a stranger lighting a cigarette.
This sight triggered me to want a pack of cigarettes.
Obviously I didn’t act on my impulse. But it goes to show that triggers are everywhere and permanents.
I wonder if you had these impulses because your slowly letting your guards down ?


Hi, I’m doing very well today.
Over the past few days the urge has reduced but the thought creeps in occasionally now.
I have no need for it, feeling GREAT.


The longer I stay sober the more mentally strong I feel. That thought process is resulting in me thinking it might be ok to enjoy one more drinking session.
I feel I’m letting my guard down because I forgot what it’s like to feel drunk and hungover.
I know it’s a bad idea, so I don’t do it.


First thing, congratulations on 62 days.
Your doing great my friend. What you are experiencing is quite normal. One of the things that you can do is get on here and share. There is a saying, “don’t crave alone!”
Yes it’s a tough mental battle, but it does get easier.
I started thinking like a non drinker, and that is me now! Doesn’t stop the cravings, but as Dan says usually the cravings center around HALT, hungry, angry, lonely or tired. Usually, just drink a cold drink.
Your doing great!:grinning:

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My apologies to everyone , I started of drinking yesterday and to avoid any problems with my fiance I went to a motel and got really turned up.

I gave in to the craving, I had a bad hangover all morning and now I feel ready for one more session tonight.

I am very sorry to hear that and even sadder to hear you are considering using again. I do hope you will go out for a long walk instead or sleep it off more or find something to self soothe yourself instead of drinking again. Or a meeting…head to a meeting. Anything but spiral back down that hole.

I will also likely move your post to the Seeking Help section, which is an opt in section for those who are actively using.

You can read about the section and opt in here…

Seeking Help - Under the influence (new opt-in category):

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