666 days and counting 😉

Yeahhhhhh Buddy!

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You BEAST!!! :metal:


Haha, Rock on Tomi!
I tink we all been waiting for them!:metal:

Yes!!! Nice job. One of my favorite milestones!

666 The Number Of The Beast!!! Congrats and keep up the great work.

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999 (666 upside down!) :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:


999 was My new goal. 666, upside down. Lol. I think I’m almost there. Gotta check

Congrats brother! It’s great to see you of all people hit this milestone :wink:


Ha. I posted and then saw your post. Lol

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Nice one Bud! Hope ALL is well! Keep on keepin on. I’m closing on on The Big 90!

That’s incredible man! It’s amazing to see that on here. That’s why I keep coming back here. To see a friend like you hit 90 days after 2 years of trying is a pretty friggin cool thing.
And it all starts with 1 day :wink:


Yeah, neither do I.

No goats skulls tho right?

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Happy, happy 666!!! Well done!


Hey guys, I made it! Day 666 here! I actually set a reminder to log in and check in today for you and Tomi. :grin: Hope all of you guys are doing well!!


666.66 soon. Go Go Go!

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I know, I considered waiting but I know me and I’d be in the middle of something and miss it anyway haha!

They are something else sometimes aren’t they? Because I will likely miss it, I’m going to be the first to congratulate you on your first 2 years man! Look at us go! What’s you’re favorite change so far now Tomi?

My favorite change now is navigating life sober. No matter what happens, I will not drink & fuck up my life anymore. Instead of running, I turn around and face what’s bothering me and I do the work to shift, let it go and heal to live my life more authentically for me. That’s been an a big life changing shift! I can see MUCH more clearly why I’ve made what decisions I have in life, so I now have awareness and knowledge of how I can shift things for myself. With that, I can change my patterns and decisions to REALLY live a whole different life! That’s my favorite change, for sure. Love this sober life!!! :heart:


Mandi, it’s great to see this.
Really is. I’ve always loved the way you have approached your sobriety, and it’s definitely been a major influence on my journey.

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And doing the work along the way to keep that drink down and change us from the inside out. :heart: