6months sober today..is it all worth it?

Today I’m celebrating 6 months being sober (alcohol and cocaine). I just want to tell you all that you can do it no matter what happens…it’s just a choice…it’s hard sometimes when life gives you difficult things to deal with but I think it’s better to deal with those things sober and come out stronger and learn from them instead of numbing those feelings with drugs just to make it easier, even getting fucked up just to forget everything bad for a while is not worth it…because guess what…your problems will still be there the next day…good luck to all of you…and if you relapse just reset and try again…I did that many times…last time I got fucked up I realised that I didn’t want to be this way anymore…I did it for me…but for my girlfriend as well…she didn’t stop drinking…and a month ago she got fucked up and cheated on me…I think that under the influence of drugs you do things you’ll regret and you’ll hurt people that love you…I can’t be with her anymore…it’s just to big of a betrayal…I hope I can continue on my sober journey and will meet a women one day that is good to me…until then I’ll be good to myself…ride on…peace out to all my sober brothers and sisters


Well done. Keep going. It’s totally worth it. I’m 4 months clear from alcohol after 22 years of regular, often heavy drinking. First your physical health greatly improves, your mind rediscovers clarity, random bad things stop happening as you regain control of your life and good things start happening more frequently. Your life changes for the better and it’s because of something YOU personally chose to do, no one did it on your behalf. Negative influences, meaning people who have not been adding value, gradually fall away from your life, as you are now able to clearly see them for who they are. You won’t miss them. It’s a burden off your back. All the time wasted on meaningless, wallet-ripping ‘fun’ you start recouping as you slowly acquire new, constructive habits, rediscover your forgotten skills and abilities and start living life fully as opposed to it happening to you. You’re a better, likeable, lovable person now and as you live your clean, productive life, time will put you together with a like-minded soul who you can enjoy a rewarding life together. It’s worth more than anything dependence/addiction can ever offer. You have your life back! Live it.


6 months! :muscle:


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Welcome SoberCat.
Congratulations on your 6 months clean and sober.
This has been a great sober community for me on my sober journey.
Have a good read around.


Thank you so much for your beautiful and kind words Brio :pray::pray::pray: you are right…I will not give up…let’s stay strong and continue our journey…things will get better. :relieved: