7 days? I want more

Why is it that I can’t get past 7 days? I go a whole week. I’m feeling so good. I can already feel the benefits of not drinking. Better sleep, better pump at the gym and then that craving comes and I give in. I don’t want to give in. I still have that little voice in the back telling me that alcohol makes things fun, but I always regret it. I don’t want to regret it, I want to live sober. It’s frustrating. It makes me feel weak when I know I’m strong. It takes over, but I don’t want it to. I want to get past these 7 days and beyond.


Have you tried a meeting. Perhaps that would make a difference.


Probably a dozen reasons bit a big one for me was always: because I feel better now. Talk about ironic.


You have to ignore the voice or tell it to do one! I found myself literally shouting out loud at it a couple of times, it broke the moment.
The thing is, once you have beat it a couple of times, you suddenly realise that " hey, that wasn’t too bad!"
You get stronger. Just like at the gym. You do some reps and then you realise you can go heavier.
Building those sober muscles, each time you say no to the voice.


Is Your day rather organized or chaotic. If it’s chaotic, then I would advice You to organise.
If You schedule it with fun, productive activities, then You won’t give any room to relapsing.
Having a lot of activities to do, will help You keep Your mind off troublesome thoughts.

Have a great day :slightly_smiling_face::hugs:

we stop with the wants and start with the wills. Remember it’s not all about you being mentally strong enough they do actually put a chemical in your drinking which is physically addictive. try to stop arguing with your ego and tell yourself your not going to have your life controlled by alcohol. You make the rules now. I’m no doctor but after time the physical side must disappear then starts the long term mental battle. You already said drinking is not fun so you’ll be OK soon, it just takes time.


Hey, I probably shouldn’t even be writing, I feel like a fraud doing so because I’ve only gone without drinking 12 days myself and that 12th day is today! But last night when my partner was having some wine and I heard my little voice saying a little red wine would be okay: I just said to my voice that I didn’t have to think about never drinking, about not drinking for any length of time, I just couldn’t drink today. For some reason that was easier. I think I even bargained with my voice and said, as long as there’s no drinking today, we’ll talk tomorrow. Not sure if it’s bad to bargain with the voice? But I don’t have any plans of drinking today either. I’m also feeling stronger listening to some of the Recovery Elevator podcasts. Plus, they often make me laugh.


Clara, please don’t feel that what you have to say is not worthy.
What you have said is exactly what a long time AAer said to me years ago.
What happens tomorrow is tomorrow’s business. Today I’m not drinking.
Well done on your 12 days.


Geo, thank you. I look forward to being an old timer someday. Right Now I am just old!

If you want more try a meeting , desire and effort will make it easier wish you well

12 days is amazing xxx congratulations x

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Give this a read. It may answer some questions you have about yourself.

One day at a time? Hmmm, has a nice ring to it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ha. But really. When I was new it helped me to think of it like you described. Every Morning I would promise myself that I wouldn’t drink today. If a craving struck I would say that maybe I’ll drink tomorrow, but I can make it the rest of today. Then no matter what the following morning I would promise myself that I wouldn’t drink today. And start the cycle over again. Because I made that promise every morning then tomorrow would never come.

It takes what it takes pal. Just don’t pick up a drink. No matter what!


That’s exactly what it is, Thurs Fri comes around and my mind is like " the weekend is here , let’s party" but it’s never worth it and it never feels right, I have to work on that

Clara, congratulations, 12 days is amazing. I went from 7 back to 1 and I really want to see that 8 or 9 or 12 so be proud! You rock!

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I had to take myself out of social circulation for approximately six months when I first got sober. And it started with getting out of work early on Fridays, before the drinking crew began to gather. I knew that I needed to get myself out of the area because I was not sure enough or strong enough about sobriety to withstand the social pressure. And there’s a LOT of social pressure to drink. Friday nights were my big night, for years and years and years. Nothing I looked forward to more than a good binge session with a weekend to recover. I was a social drinker so I had to stay away from bars and my drinking friends.
My home was safe because that’s not where I drank.

I seriously cocooned the first six months of sobriety (which coincided with fall and winter). I went to work, came home, watched hours of crappy tv and ate tons of sugar. And I felt pretty sorry for myself too. But around the six month mark, I started getting outside. I got a Fitbit. I walked to parks and all over my city. I developed one serious walking and exercise habit that I have maintained over the last five plus years of my sobriety.

After the first six months, I had made it past the most difficult period and I was a lot stronger in my resolve.

Seven days is good. Change up your routine at the end of the week— when you would normally indulge. Take yourself out of your old patterns and slowly you will begin to develop new ones.

It’s lovely not to feel stuck in the rut I was in for so long. My Friday nights were my weekly holiday but also my weekly shame.



Oh, that’’s funny, I didn’t even realize what I was basically saying was ‘one day at a time.’ Maybe because when I hear that phrase, I think of Valerie Bertanelli and Bonnie and Schneider on that (old) TV show. But it’s nice to hear you told yourself this - about tomorrow. Because I sort of feel like I’m cheating? But (so far) it’s working, so I’ll take it!

Vik, hi! I’m happy to see your comment and THANK YOU for the good vibes. What day are you on now? I’m almost at 14 days and I have a concert too coming up on Tuesday and am a little nervous. But it’s a classical guitar concert so really, how wild and crazy can that get? And I’m looking forward to seeing your “9 days!” Post.

Thanks for sharing Clara! I can never hear it enough that the first drink is the most important one to say no to.


Thank you, I’m looking forward to the 9 day post as well! I’m going to get there. I’m working on it :+1: I’m back at 2 days after that break of the 7 days streak, but I have the confidence to get past that number. I like the saying "I know what it feels like if I give up, I want to feel what it’s like not to":slightly_smiling_face:

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