7 weeks down the drain

It’s ok. Learn from this mistake and try again.


I’m so sorry you’re feeling low today. But I think the important lesson here is to NOT do this alone. Even if you can’t confide in the people around you find someone that you can. For me I started confiding in a therapist and then she sent me to AA where I found a room full of people I could confide in . When you get your feelings off your chest you find strength and courage has been hiding behind the fear.



Same boat. 7 weeks dry and all out the window. Starting again today.

Welcome to this wonderful community @Whisper13.
So you were dry for seven weeks and then caved, what does your recovery plan look like. Do you have a fully stocked sobriety toolbox? An accountability partner? Do you work or attend a recovery progress of any description or is it just a case of putting down the drink and white knuckling it ? I wish you well. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


It’s not out the window ,you leant things in those 7 weeks and you will be more aware next time around,try to work out what set you back and be aware of it next time.kerp coming back .x

This is getting kinda repetitive :confused:

Not down the drain- it only feels like it.

I have started keeping a small can that I put a small rock into for every day I am sober. If I relapse, I put a different colored rock or bottle cap or piece of cork into the can. When I look at the rocks vs the garbage, it makes me realize I am doing more right than wrong.

You have 49 rocks vs 1 piece of "not rock " …thats strength.


It took me getting caught in the act to get outside support and beleive me that’s no fun. I wasnt at all looking forward to going to meetings or anything but thus far they’ve been helpful even if just as a vent session. Having somewhere where you can openly say this stuff out loud can be cathartic and cleansing.

It’s so much more difficult to try do things alone and it makes everything soo much heavier in you

Having somewhere where you can openly say this stuff out loud…

I have long believed that one of the most powerful moments in a meeting is when I can say out loud “I’m an alcoholic named Dan”.


It was a big thing for me to say I’m an addict out loud with other people around. Stopping running from the label and everything you may associate it. For whatever reason that was big for me

@no-longer-a-victim my relapses from this past year look a lot like that a first. I found adding notes to them about what triggered the relapses help (example, 1 time was mini bar in hotel room…) or how I felt about the relapses… then looking at old relapses and seeing the notes made me work harder.


What is the trigger or reason you relapse?

Divorce after 30 years’ marriage
Living in temporary accommodation

Just glad I have work to distract me during the week.