75 days today without weed

God is good! Been busy with work, school, and family. There have been many times when I was tempted but thank God I pushed through. Today marks my first 2 weeks off from work. At least Ill be able to focus on school, family, and myself. Self awareness has been the reward and I am grateful :pray:


Congratulations on your 75 days weed free.


Congratulations on your 75 days!!!


Dude hell yeah!! Look at all the positive things that got at least a little better without the grass!

For me, my chess ranking went up a solid 50 points since i quit reefer. Whether it’s your drug of choice or just a crutch used to get through your life i found things are just better without. I still get tempted a lot with it but my school work is better my temperament is even and I never have to worry about suddenly being fired from my job because I failed a piss test ( even though I have medical I would still lose my job if I failed the test).

It sounds like your life situation is also at least slightly better without than it was with. Congratulations man that is a serious achievement!!


God bless you

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Wow! Keep it up! We got this!

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