8 days no opiates thanks to Kratom!

Here I am again, I fell off the bandwagon for a while, and didn’t even try to quit this time, I just started taking kratom again and it helped me so much during that time that I didn’t even think about finding a dealer. So here I am on day 8 feeling great! I’m not here for anyone to post anythjng negative about Kratom use being trading one thing for another, do research and find answers for yourself, I fully believe kratom is going to save my life.


Definitely helped me out


It’s an amazing tool, It truly is!


I just put in an order today. I’ve quit Kratom before with just slight headache for WD it’s SO easy to ditch. I don’t understand why big G is so against some thing like MS go help with wd’s… but they just want to make money off of it.

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Big G or big P? Hahah, true, I’ve quit kratom with 0 reprocussion, not going to lie and say that it can’t be addicting in itself, but I’ve gone the suboxone route, and that is nothing but another opiate to substitute another one, and hell to get off of, kratom is not

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Both Government and Pharma. It’s a mess!

Very true, it’s sad, anythjng for a buck, including keeping people sick! :frowning:

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And that is what puzzles me. My fiance went to rehabilitation for alcohol and they asked him if he had taken anything including Kratom which threw me for a loop. Don’t think they have an actual test for it, but they sure as heck are trying to figure it out obviously. Tragic…

Even if they said yes, it’s a legal herb in most states, so I don’t think that would if been a big deal if they said they had taken it, if they made it a big deal then that would of been sad. Rehabs can use kratom as a tool rather than suboxone or methadone which I hear are harder to get off of then traditional opiates!:persevere::persevere:


It’s legal in all of Florida except Sarasota which is odd to me. Why would one town make it illegal? I will say I would never purchase it in smoke shops or corner stores… people need to do their research and find a reputable vendor. It really does help. I don’t drink coffee or soda… no energy drinks at all. Mt Dew was a terrible addiction for me along with Camel Lights for many years it was my main diet. So glad that’s over with now.

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Yeah it’s illegal in a few cities in some of the legal states too, it’s weird, they identify it as a schedule 1 along with cannabis (stupid) and heroin. I’m vaping as we speak to not smoke cigarettes, best move I ever made, I can breathe better, and I can smell things again! Small steps to make better versions of ourselves, keep it up in your journey!

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Gotta love Maeng Da lol


I am a huge fan of kratom!! It helps me stay away from those tiny blue devil pills that took my life away. I’m curious how much everyone takes. I get the ones already pill’d and I take 6. Is that about right? Too much? Too little?


Millie what is your dose?

Matthew what is your dose?

How much do you take?

I had a real bad habit and I’m so happy I went the kratom route instead of the sub route I really am

Kratom WD is no biggie for me. I barely notice.

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I take a flat spoon full in the morning then a spoonful before bed. Really helps with restless leg. Most definitely better than subs…

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I use the powder kind. I notice its faster in the effects.