8 minute audio to help with cravings that you may have

Hi All,

I friend of mine sent this link to me the other day. I found it quite helpful during the “craving” time.

The audio is about halfway down the article. It is intended for ANY cravings.


Take a listen and hope it helps anyone out there especially during those difficult times.

I was also able to download and save just the audio portion of it on my phone / laptop etc.



I love this, thank you :slight_smile: I’ll give it a go tonight as Monday eve normally is a trigger. Not sure why as i rarely drunk in a week… Apart from Wednesdays or Thursdays… Or maybe Fridays… Gosh, I drank way too much. But i rarely drank Mondays :slight_smile:

Awesome! Definitely give it a listen. It’s another way to look at cravings for what they are.