8 months sober? Help?

Hello everyone!

I’m new here, so here is a little bit about myself.
I am 26. I started smoking at the age of 10 and drinking at around 12. Drinking had never been a problem up until 5 years ago. I would drink at least a 12 pack of Heineken, every single day on top of a pack of cigs a day. Before that, I would drink once a week maybe, sometimes not at all.

I quit all of it 8 months ago, but I don’t feel like drinking is really a problem for me. I drink on my weekends, between 3-6 beers, depending on how I feel because my tolerance is non existent. Am I doing it wrong and can’t call myself a sober person? On the other hand, I have not smoked a cigarette at all in my 8 months, because I know that if I do, I’ll start buying packs all over again. Just kind of wanted an opinion and see if anyone else has a similar dilemma.

Thanks in advance!

Pleased to meet you Juan. There seems to me to be a contradiction in what you are writing here. Did you quit all 8 months ago or just the smoking? And did you continue to drink on the weekends? Or did you start drinking again at some point?
Nobody can decide for you if you are doing stuff wrong. Only yourself. But I can say I don’t call you a sober person. Because by definition a sober person doesn’t drink. That’s what being sober means. Not drinking any alcohol.
I have no similar dilemma myself as I saw the only way to control my alcohol (ab)use was to stop drinking altogether. So I don’t drink. Period.


Hello and welcome so are you still drinking?

If you are still drinking on weekends you aren’t sober. Also, it probably won’t take long until you are drinking more than you used to.


Yes, I’m sorry, I should of explained. 8 months ago, I quit drinking and smoking and 2 months after ,I started having some beers exclusively on my weekends. But nothing like before.

This is also really my first time quitting anything. I’ve never been addicted to drugs or anything like that. So I guess what I’m saying is that I have no clue of what I’m doing.

I really like your response though, thank you so much. How long have you been sober? The sweats and cravings were the worse for me! I never wish that upon anyone.

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Again, I ask you to look at what you wrote yourself Juan

And one sentence later:

So is your drinking a problem or is it not? Like I said this is your life and your journey and you decide what you want to do. The fact that you are here on a sober forum asking question is saying something to me. The fact that you are thinking about your drinking is saying something to me.
The label is unimportant really. Alcoholic, addict, junkie, whatever The members of this forum have in common that their relationships with substances or behaviours (i.e. eating, selfharm, porn/masturbation) are problematic. Call it what you like, addiction, substance abuse, whatever.
I myself quit smoking pot and tobacco in September 2015. About a year ago i decided I had a problem with alcohol too and I quit that too. I am totally sober and clean for nearly a year now and life is much better this way for me. Not easier but better. I am 54 years old and I wished I quit decades ago but it is what it is and I still got some time left I hope to live my life in a better way.
I prefer to call my problem substance abuse disorder. I have a disease and it’s a progressive one. Regarding you I’d take note of the progressive character. The only way to handle my disease is to abstain from the substances I abuse.
People that don’t have the disease normally don’t have to think about whether they have a problem or not. They don’t come to forums that deal with being sober. I don’t know about you and I don’t know you Juan. But the fact you’re here is saying something to me. And a last thing: asking about moderation here is like cursing in church. People here want and need to be sober. We have the disease. We can’t moderate. Take care friend. Watch yourself.


Thank you, this has really made me reflect on what I’m doing. I’m going to stop casually drinking, I do not want to fall back into the same trap.

Thanks to everyone who replied!