9 months clean off crack

9 months clean off crack almost 10 was wondering what to expecr mentally because singe i got my 9 month jeychain things have been harder it seems


Congratulations on your 9 months :upside_down_face:
I get you. Not drinking didn’t prevent my life to be hard at times. And at times it seems an overwhelming fuck. But being clean and sober gives me the opportunity to work on going through these situations and learn something. Which in the end makes my life a one I like better.
You are not alone with this.


I don’t know about crack, but I have definitely had peaks and troughs with recovery. Sometimes loads is happening and it is all really motivating, then sometimes there is a plateau or things seem harder for a while, enthusiasm wears off etc. Like @anon74766472 says the hard stuff still happens!

But 9 months is an awesome achievement. Sometimes thinking about all the progress can be a good motivator. I bet you have loads of big and little wins under your belt already!