9 months of sobriety has me on Cloud 9

Today marks 9 months of sobriety from alcohol for me.

9 months ago, I came to the jumping off point in my life that the Big Book talks about where I couldn’t imagine my life with or without alcohol in it. I was terrified. Terrified to continue drinking because I knew what it was doing to my body and mind, but also extremely terrified to live a life without alcohol. I had to finally hit the point where I was sick enough of the daily pain alcohol was inflicting to give AA and sobriety a real shot. I got a sponsor, started working the steps, and haven’t looked back.

Through working the steps I figured out that a lot of the reason I drank was out of fear. This week my dad is going into open heart surgery (a quadruple bypass), and I’m incredibly fearful for what will happen. But I know now that I don’t have to drink over this, because drinking won’t change any of this. One of the things I can control is staying sober and being present for my family during this, so that’s what I’ll do.

Hope everyone has a great 24 hours :heart:


Congratulations my friend! 9 months is huge


Good for you Adam that’s wonderful! You’ve come far- one day at a time :innocent:

I’ll pray for your father, and I’m thinking of you guys. Thanks for sharing your story Adam. You’re making a difference for yourself, and for others :slightly_smiling_face:


Cloud 9 months !! Congratulations !


Why do we call it the pregnancy chip he asks? Cause just like your mother carried you for 9, dammit so can AA! Hugs to ya on your 9 months of being happy, joyous and free!


Hi Adam, congratulations on your 9 months and great to hear you’re in a great place with your sobriety :partying_face::star2:
Thinking of your Dad, yourself and your family this week :pray:

@Smitty97 I’ve learnt something new today, I never knew that was the 9 month chip nickname, makes perfect sense though :ok_hand:


Congratulations! This is a moment to be proud of one to write down all your feelings how you feel about the journey to this beautiful 9 month mark. Having the strength built and the tools to use. When huge scary things come across our paths we can face them with courage. I’m grateful to be able to appreciate this through sobriety. May God continue to bless you along your path!

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Huge congrats on 9 months and way to work the AA program! I am doing NA and my 9 month keytag is next. You are an example of it works if you work it!

Love Kat


Congrats man. I’m on day 12. I couldn’t imagine what you feel like. I hope I can say 9 months sometime. Great job!!!

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Nice chip! :purple_heart:

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Congrats on 9 months and I will definitely be thinking of you and your father this week. I’m glad you are sober to support him through this. Such a gift!

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Thats the way to do it young man and get on the program and desire and effort go along way
and maybe some day god willing you might have one of these


Yay!! Good job!!! :heart:

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