90 Day Sober

I’ve hit my 90-day sober milestone today!!

My birthday was a few days ago, and I stayed in and just ate junk and my husband brought me a cake!

It’s been tough and I didn’t think I’d make it, but I did! :slight_smile:

Here’s to 120!


Congratulations, my guy! :muscle:t4:

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Happy birthday and happy 90 sobriety day! :birthday::sunflower::trophy: Double celebration :smiling_face:

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Congratulations on 90 days and happy birthday :partying_face::tada::balloon:

Huge congrats on 90days. Do what you have to to protect your sobriety.

Welcome to the forum! And a HUGE congratulations on ur 90 days!

Congratz and happy late belly button day

Congrats!! 90 days is a huge milestone!

Welcome here and congratulations with the milestone, that’s great! :facepunch: