90 Days Sober! You can do it too!

90 days sober today! I am super happy about this. I have not gone this long since I first decided I didn’t want to be a drinker in 2018. It has started to get a lot easier with time. I’m determined to kill off that wine witch once and for all. When I first started this journey, I got pretty down on myself about it, like I was missing out when everyone else was having “fun.” I have learned to still have fun and make memories (real memories you don’t forget) without the booze. I’ll be honest and say that when I first started this journey this time around, I really thought “I just need to take a break for a little while and let my body recover.” However, I have been feeling so good and healthy lately (and especially reaffirmed when friends/family complain about their hangovers… oh how I don’t miss those) that I would be just content to continue living this way without another drop of alcohol in my life. It feels so good to be one hundred percent PRESENT in life… and to face problems head on without trying to escape. I have discovered an inner strength within myself that can’t be beat, and I am finally restoring my confidence and self esteem again that had been so damaged by abusive relationships and blanketed over by booze. I am here to say that YOU TOO CAN DO THIS! The grass really is greener on the other side with sobriety so just keep swimming! :slight_smile:


Congrats! 90 days is a huge milestone.

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:tada: :boom: :partying_face: 90 days is super!!! It sounds like you are truly blessed and enjoying your hard earned better life. Good for you!!! :partying_face: :boom: :tada:

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That’s amazing!! Congrats on 3 months!


Big Congrats to you!!! Inspiring :partying_face:

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Congratulations :tada:

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Nice post! I am motivated to catch up to you.

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Keep us posted on your journey wish you well