93 days and counting!

Guys!!! I made it past 90 with no drink!!! You know what I feel better about it too GO ME!! If I can do it so can go Keep pushing Keep GOING!!! DONT QUIT!!!



:100::muscle::tada::dancer::clap::sparkling_heart:well done

Whoo hoo, well done x

That is fantastic!!! Congrats!!

Congrats. Any tips? I keep starting and restarting and its so frustrating because I really want yo be sober

Congrats!! That is amazing news. I hope I can hit that point myself.

I would say the first week or too don’t go out and if you have a craving, something sherry has helped me

Jeah! so great. Congrats

Well done on 93 Days!

you absolutely SHOULD be proud of yourself !!
I just hit one month the other day, and I’m looking forward to beating my old record of 125 days… I’m about a quarter of the way there !!

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