94 days sober in isolation

Today I reached 94 days sober, just getting back on track after my corona virus diagnoses 3 weeks ago ,my cravings for a drink because of boredom has been strong but cancelled it out with some sweet treats😊


Excellent news, congratulations Darren and be proud. Isolation is hard! Other than sugary treats do you have any tips?


Just got into alot of excerise and doing alot of diy housework like painting and cleaning ,my house is starting to look great so i’l keep it going ,just do odd jobs and make a list of all the things that need to be done and fit in a workout routine aswell and should be good :blush:


So you actually had COVID 19? I’m terrified I have crappy lungs, did you have a rough time with it?

Ya I wasn’t too bad thou I always had good lungs so just suffered with a fever and slight cough but overall it was grand after a few days but Its different for everyone

Well it sounds like you had a smashing time :grin: glad you’re all better and sober

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Were those the only symptoms that you had mate a cough and a fever??? :slightly_smiling_face:
Glad to hear that your over it.

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Well the two main ones and minor ones were body aches, fatigue and headache

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Also had this weird burning feeling in my chest at the start but didn’t last long

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Congrats on your sober days and I’m happy to hear you recovered nicely. I’ve heard a lot of people saying they lost taste and smell with the virus. Did you?

Thanks :blush:ya kind of but it was mostly my appetite for me as I didn’t eat much for 4 days but i was so Ill all I could really do is try and sleep but it was really tough with the fever and kept getting restless

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