9months 5days clean πŸ˜„

I am Craig hosein,age 23, I am a recovering addict from the Caribbean I did drugs from the young age of 13 to 22.I found sobriety after multiple suicide attempts due to my drug addiction after realizing I had a problem I went a rehabilitation center to sought out and fix myself. I now live a life happy and sober with the help of the NA program one day at a time!


Congratulations Craig :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:

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Hi @Craiggo and welcome to the forum! Congrats on 9 months, that is amazing! :tada: :fireworks: :boom: :star2:

If you decide to participate in this forum, maybe you can help others here struggling. See you β€œaround” :wave:

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Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks bro! :muscle:t4:

Awesome! NA is a great fellowship!

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Right on @Craiggo Sobriety brings hope. Congrats on all your hard work.

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Thank you! :blush:

Yea it is!

That is amazing, great job!!!

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Congrats on 9 months! You are a miracle worth a clean and sober life. Keep up the great work!!

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Thank you! :smiley:

Thanks mamabee! :blush:

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Congratulations Craig and welcome!!! :smile:

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