A 6 month milestone and more. (Part 1)

Good morning beautiful sober warriors💪

I have made it to and past the six month mark. Tbh I had doubt in myself that I would make it this far, however I didn’t doubt myself in a negative way. I placed enough doubt in my head that made me work harder to achieve such a milestone. Work being the key word. I put myself in some pretty tough situations that I will touch on in just a bit buuuuut firstly I would like to say I miss you guys all so much.
For some reason it isn’t letting me tag people so I will just hope they see this thread. It’s been about a month since my last check in. It’s fuckin astonishing what can happen in that short amount of time… I don’t know a good Segway from I miss you to here is the craziness that has happened so let’s just jump into it.
About a week after my last check in the ex messaged me. She said she was bored and what not so I asked if she wanted to come by. She did. She clearly had a few. I could smell it on her breath. So we sat and talked. Caught up on what’s been going on in our lives. Our communication has been so few and far between it was weird to not know what’s been up ya know. Well, revelation time. As we sit talking and watching TV. She asks ‘can I smoke?’ always a good host I reply ‘sure’ she looks me in the eyes, sitting a few inches from me… I mean ‘smoke’ it hits me like a ton of bricks. She is still using. I reply with ’ go for it, I honestly don’t care’ she is apprehensive at first. I reassure her that I don’t give a shit . Which I honestly don’t. It’s her life and her choice. While she starts smoking I try not to watch then I figure ‘fuck it, I’ll watch.’
This is the point I knew I had to test myself in a serious way. I had to see if I was mentally tough enough to watch my ex fiance. The catalyst for my sobriety. The former love of my life get high even after it destroyed both our lives AND you know what?!
I wasn’t phazed in the slightest. I had no craving. No wish to get high at all. I just remember having empathy for her. That she wasn’t able with all the resources and support she had to change her life for the better.
That’s when I was reminded of something I heard David Goggins say " everyone thinks a warrior is someone that just goes to combat. It’s not always that, a warrior is someone who shows up everyday regardless of how much life fuckin sucks and says I’m here today, I’ll be here tomorrow and the next and the next and the next"
Being mentally tough isn’t something you can teach someone. It’s a life style. You have to live this shit. THE ONLY WAY to do that is to test yourself. To put yourself in uncomfortable situations and see what you are really made of. Now, I’m not suggesting that you go sit in a room with active drug users using your preferred d.o.c.
What I am suggesting is to not coddle yourself. To demand more of yourself and deliver.
I digress
So she wraps up smoking, clearly it has taken affect because she is all over the place now. She decides to go on about the rest of her day. I say goodbye and continue with mine. About a week later, a friend of mine stops over to catch up with me. Which is nice! I sometimes get caught up and forget to check in with those who care about me. That being said, I get asked ‘can I smoke?’ I respond with ’ go for it’ so while he smokes I strike up conversation on future plans and things of that nature. Making a point to stay on the positive side of the coin. We discuss ideas and prospects of new opportunities on how to improve ones stance in life. After about twenty mins, he tosses me a cigarette and departs. After he left i sat smoking that cigarette and reflected on everything that has happened. From the ex to my friend. I become filled with a sense of pride for myself that I hadn’t felt in a very long time.
It was surreal to have that moment where I knew that a substance no longer has any control over my thoughts and actions. That I am 100 % in control of my life.
Fast forward a week after that. It was a few days from my 6 month milestone. I knew I wanted to do something special that day given the fact I have spent every milestone in solitude. A friend of mine from Instagram and I were talking and I asked her if she wanted to spend my milestone with me. She agreed. We hung out and Blah blah blah. Since then we been a thing.
I have a lot more to catch you guys up on but I got to get to the gym.
So to be continued…


(if you’re on IG follow me @nlemnt )


Congrats on your 6 months and taking your life back! That’s absolutely fantastic you have reached that place in your life. Very proud of you and your growth!

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Bro, if you hang out with that ex one more time I’m coming up there to attempt to kick your ass lol. That new girl seems very nice. Stick with her


Dude the new girl is amazing. We like so many of the same things. For example we both love watching Senate hearings. We are currently watching the kavananugh hearing and exchanging points of view on subjects and shit. She totally challenges me intellectually :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Nerd alert :joy:


I can relate to this sooo much. I actually waited til 6mo to see my ex and child. Hoping maybe the ex had changed. But my main reason to go was to see the child as she lived our addiction with us for 3 years. I wanted to suprise her and brought toys and clothes up for her and spoil her and get her the essentials she needed. As im there i needed a car seat to take her out. So the ex showed up with the seat and said she wanted to talk later. Well as usual shes lying about being clean and i could tell. As she breaks new news that she just had another kid. Im shakin my head at this point because she cant take care of the one she has had for 3 years. She used it as a pawn to get money from every and anyone. Later that night she goes to sleep. Sober me now i wake up early and get my starbucks double shot mocha n some ciggs. I return bored as im the only one awake. I see her bag she carries around sitting on the table. So i snoop alil n see 2 make-up bags. I immediately knew one was gonna have shyt in it. Sure enough i find dope trash 6 bags full of dope and a bag of used needles. I scattered everything over a table and hide the full bags( god i wanted to flush it so bad). I dont wake her up i act normal as she wakes up. I could see she was speechless as she couldnt lie anymore. I gave her dope back and watched her try to shoot it up. She looked so hopeless as she had no clue what shes doing. She had track marks EVERYWHERE. I couldnt bare to watch after the first couple mins. Since that morning i havent talked to her since. Its sad because i had a connection with her kid and she looked at me like her father even though biologically im not. It was tough but i have not talked to her or have tried to be involved at all since. I had to give it all up as it was too toxic emotionally for me. i have no rights to help the child not being her father to remove her from the situation. I had to do what i had to do though …:confused: im glad to see you are doing good and 6mo in now. Congrats!

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That Is quite the experience man. Sadly, it is unfortunate that for somethings to end and to move forward in life such extremes have to be reached. However, it is for the best. One can only hope that my ex and your ex find the strength within themselves to change theirs lives for the better.

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