A bit about me

Hi. I’ve just joined the community and thought I’d share a bit about my life to introduce myself. I’m Allan I’m 46 and I’m from the uk. My life for as long as I can remember has been blighted by drugs and alcohol. I had my first taste of alcohol and smoked my first joint by time I was 11. During my school years I was quite severely bullied. Especially high school where I was hospitalised twice, once requiring an operation after getting kicked in the nuts. On a daily basis I would get spat on, assaulted, called all sorts of names, even robbed of my lunch money at knife point. I ended up leaving school at 15 and getting in with the wrong crowd. Running round with a football ‘firm’ selling drugs, taking all sorts. At 21 I was attacked and left for dead whilst on holiday. Since then I’ve struggled with cptsd. I’ve been in all sorts of situations where I’d would put myself at risk. Only a year and a half ago I discovered I’d actually suffere a brain injury in the assault when I was 21. I never handled it well and my usage increased again. My wife wanted to leave me. So I took myself away to Thailand for 2 months to a rehab. Since August last year I have been clean. I gave up alcohol, cannabis, cigarettes, benzos and even video gaming. It’s probably been the hardest 2 years of my life but just now I feel amazing. Anyway if you’ve got this far thanks for reading my shit. Drop me a message to say hi. I always like a chat with new folks. Especially folks who know the struggle is real. Peace.


Hi Allan, welcome. It’s the greatest place of the internet, no jokes. People here are so helpful, so understanding, so cool… Probably I wouldn’t be sober if not this app. So, get comfy here, read, post. I hope you gonna like it and stay with us.

Ps: sorry that you had to go through this hell but glad you are better now. Congrats on your sober time and keep on keeping on!

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Hi @Al1979, welcome to the community! :wave:

By way of introduction: I am 52 and live in the US, after 20 years in the UK. I still bleed rugby, Britpop, BBC and the pub though, don’t worry :grin:

I am 2+ years sober ffrom alcohol, a voyage of discovery that continues to entertain. On top of that, I enjoy some of what life has to offer and struggle with other elements, just like any other human!

Make yourself comfortable and join in, that’s the best way to acclimatize :+1:

Welcome Allan. Congrats on your successful journey so far! Hope to see you around here!

Welcome to the community Allan.

So happy to hear that you are doing well in your recovery and feeling amazing. Grateful that you have overcome your past and are paving a way for a much healthier and happier future. Big hugs to you for all that you have endured and had to overcome :hugs:

Welcome again and its great to have you here with us!

Welcome Allan. Congrats on your sober time.

Nice to see you here, welcome :hugs:

Hello! Great story, well done.

Welcome Allan, so glad you are here with us :blush: