A cycle that wont break?

I’ve realised that alcohol is my biggest problem. These last few years it has just got worse and worse. I tend to drink large amounts of brandy and i wont be able to stop until i some times pass out or run out of money, Ive even drunk for a whole a week straight, only leaving my house to buy more. Once i wake up from all of this, im destroyed and hate the thought lf alcohol. It will take me a few days to recover and feel normal agian. Once that happens i catch myself making exuses to have a drink. I understand that im depressed. When does this cycle stop?

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“When does this cycle stop”

The answer = when you stop drinking.

Alcohol FUELS depression.

Short term alcohol is a relief and then it will turn around on you and come back in the form of depression with ten times the force.

Quit drinking and if your still depressed, seek therapy of some kind to help understand how you can deal with the other underlying issues that are fuelling it.


I know i have to quit drinking. Ive tried AA, ive tried therapy even down to will power. I have been sober for almost a week now and im trying to stay optimistic. The longest ive been sober is probably a month.

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Welcome to this great forum. There’s so much information on here to help you. And there’s wonderful people that understand everything you’re going through. Join us on the daily check in thread, it’s a good form of accountability. Here’s the link:
Checking in daily to help maintain focus #7

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Respect for coming on here and not giving up.

It sounds as though you have been on a really tough journey to this point and I hope you stay on here and benefit from the support that there is to offer.

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You say u have tried aa but have u got a sponsor got a big book and worked the steps? That where the magic begin x

I havent… Maybe worth a shot thing is I’ve never done well in group sessions

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You must find a way to fill the void of what you are leaving behind. It sounds like that is a biiiiiig void. Start with AA, go back to a therapist, try other things like SMART. My recovery revolves around my mental health, that is my program. If AA isn’t for you, ask around after a meeting and see what other suggestions people have.

Start somewhere. You have to change that void, and you start by filling it with a program.

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I thought the same but I tried lots of different meetings and found that I really enjoy some of them more than others x lots of people use online meetings if that helps u x


That’s amazing keep going now and start seeking COMMUNITY support

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When you realize it has to stop. Only you can do it. You have to want a clean life and the sheer willpower to put an end to it. I hope you find your way and wish you luck. Stay strong.:sparkling_heart:

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