A double rock bottom

I don’t know what to do …
After 18 months living with a women who was helping me get sober she decided her needs were not being met and started cheating on me again and kicked me out.
I am sleeping at my sister’s and have lost all hope in any future for me. Been to doctors and am now taking a drug called Mirtazapine which at least stopped me from killing myself.
Applied and secured 2 jobs and have failed to turn up for both, I have given up on life. The day after my last drunk I thought was the lowest life could ever get and things could only get better but here I am depressed and destitute.
I guess I should try and write something positive… … .not had a panic attack since stopping drinking which was the main reason as they were extreme.

I have no desire to drink but I hate the person I am sober,drunk Steve is at least happy for a few hours and sociable. He has a reason to go to work to fuel his trips to the pub and being around other drinkers seems better than being a sad old lonely dry drunk.
God this post is so sad and pathetic and I don’t know why I’m posting it, my family are sick of hearing my woes I’m sure.
Eckhart Tolle advice is to
“Surrender to what is”
and all my pain and suffering will be gone but I’m losing faith.

I don’t know what to do…

Now is the time to move forward on our own. If your sister can assist you with housing until you get on your own feet, great!
We’re at the bottom, so we can only go up, even if it’s a little up, from here. Get in a group or therapy, and focus on you getting better.
Start with focusing on the job, then focus on getting there everyday thereafter.
You have all the answers and once you get it going, you’re gonna see positive changes.
Stay away from the pubs; you know how that ends.
You can do this.


Sorry to hear you’re going through such a difficult time.

You just gotta hang in there, sir. Hang in there, stick to your commitments, and carry a belief that things will turn around. All you can control is your own mindset, effort, and actions. Keep putting in the work and be true to yourself, find an activity or hobby to enrich your days.

Easier said than done, I know, especially when it feels life is beating us down despite us doing the right thing.

One guarantee I can make, and you know this, is that drinking won’t help you. It’ll make this 10x worse.

Keep grinding


Honey the first thing you need to do is find some self love, that’s what your missing is your connection to YOU. And it’s hard to find again after a turmoil filled relationship, you feel so unworthy of everything sometimes after. Guess what, it may not feel like it right now but she did you a huge favor by leaving. Now you can focus on YOU and what you want out of life, because it’s meant to be lived happily! Not ashamed or condemned. Where I started was getting into something I lost along the way that I loved to do again (painting) and writing one thing good about myself each day. It was hard after a few days. But it started a snowball effect. I then started writing one thing I did for myself and something I did for someone else that day. It helped me get going and I stopped focusing on the shit stuff in my life (there’s plenty of that to focus on, trust me) and started shifting my focus to what’s good and more of that came. I hope you find what you’re looking for my friend! I’m glad you are seeking help, keep moving forward! :heart: