A few suggestions please?

I’m not trying to fully stop drinking, I’m just really needing to cut back because I drink every night (only a couple drinks but it’s very strong drinks) I was hoping someone had some suggestions to help me out?

That’s like me telling myself I’ll only take opiates on weekends. Doesnt work that way for addicts/alcoholics. This is more a question for Reddit or something, people here know their addictions and aren’t looking to be social addicts


Hey there…I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling. I drove myself crazy trying to “calibrate my drinking”. Only on the weekends, only two glasses of wine then you put the bottle away. You can have three drinks but only if you’re out for a special occasion. None of it worked, and sometimes drove me to just drink more.

A little over four and a half years ago I stopped driving myself crazy by taking drinking out of the picture all together. It is the only thing to have ever worked for me, and is infinitely more simple for me than trying to moderate. :yellow_heart:


I can’t moderate. If you can just do it.
If you are a bit like me your mind will keep whining it wants another drink and another…

I do not want to live like that, so it’s my choice to not drink at all.


We have in Germany programs where people can try to learn it. I don’t want to moderate anymore. It became impossible and exhausting in the end.

I wish you the best of luck.


This forum doesn’t sound like the right fit for you, if you’re looking for advice on moderation.

I also want to remind you of the rules. Specifically #5 where it says discussing moderation could negatively impact forum members. Please keep the focus on how you want to stop drinking.


Normal drinkers dont come here asking these questions. It’s your decision to make, however…maybe look at your relationship with alcohol…

With that said, this is a sobriety forum. 1) you wont find moderation success stories here…if we could, we wouldnt be here. 2) if moderation is what you seek, then you need to find a different forum.

After attempting to moderate, if you are not successful…please come back, all of us can help you with sobriety.


You’ve been on this forum since April 2021. If you haven’t gotten your drinking under control in that time you never will. I’m going to a venture a guess that the harder you try to control it the worse it gets? Well that’s called alcoholism and most of us have been there.

Not a soul on this forum knows how to cut back their drinking. A lot of us know how to stop completely though.


Quite honestly, cutting back on drinking is exhausting and just worth it. The constant thinking about what, when, how much etc etc etc. But like other poster said……give it a try, if it doesn’t work there’s probably a reason.

We’ll always be here for you.


Would love an update on this thread


Pretty sure you could make a fair guess and be confident you’re not far off.
But, heck, strange things do happen and we may be pleasantly surprised.

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