A fresh start after a long time

Hello everybody. I have not been around here for a long time. Within this time I got many changes in my life financially, it got way better for me now. I have started my career as a civil engineer, after English I have completed my long Russian learning session. But my struggle with pornography got even worse. Even without ups and downs, it downgraded into a sequence of failures. But lately my willingness to achieve my ultimate spiritual potential has become too overwhelming. Because there is nothing on my way to hinder me.

On the verge of turning 27 I have realised that I have wasted years on self gratification which made everything unimaginably bad for me while it could be way better. I had the dream of becoming a space engineer and study rocket science but my enthusiasm along the way died down and now I am putting my best effort into what I have. A lot of unpleasing unnatural thoughts arise in my head when my addiction is running my thoughts.

I will update. But I am starting.


Welcome back @Cgty04 - it’s good to see you again :innocent:

It sounds like life has had some ups and downs over the last couple of years, and you’ve been riding the waves :ocean: :surfing_man: I can imagine that’s been sometimes encouraging, sometimes discouraging - I know it’s an emotional rollercoaster.

One step at a time (or as a friend of mine likes to say, eating an elephant is like eating anything else: one bite at a time).


Hey @Matt, I did not expect to see you again. İt is really pleasing.

What İ had through this time was indeed both encouraging and disencouraging. But İ find myself here back again and I am glad about it. İt is just that İ do not know where to start and how to start like before. My ways along the way have not worked out. But İ have my space to give it a wide thought.

How have you been with your journey?