A fresh start in a new house

I moved this Wednesday. I am so incredibly grateful. I can finally sleep in a room where I have never ever gamed before. A house where I never broke my mom’s trust. A house where I can make a room that isn’t a complete mess. A room that I can decorate the way I want it.
Also grateful that I only have to walk 3 minutes to work instead of cycling 45 minutes.
The cycling to school takes some getting used to though. There’s constant rain at the moment, but I’ll get used to it.
Also, I am getting my very own cat on Wednesday that I don’t have to share.
You guys might have noticed my inactivity, but that’s because I feel great and don’t really need TS at the moment.
Also my mind is completely messed up because my autism needs some getting used to the new house. I struggle with everything routine, but come Wednesday my routine will probably go back to how it was.


Good to hear! Fresh starts are opportunities if we make the best of them. Enjoy!

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Go Dutchie!!!

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I’m so happy for you! Good luck with everything!

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That is amazing man, I’m so happy for you! You deserve it!

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Great news Dutchie! I’m very happy that you’re happy :pray:t2::two_hearts: I love cats! Please send pics when you all get settled :cat2: all the best on your new home :two_hearts:

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Great post Dutchie! I’m so happy for you and your fresh start. What’s your new cat’s name? Can’t wait to see pics.

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Congratulations for a new home!!!

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I’m gonna call him Pete


Aww that’s cute. I like it a lot.

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And congratulations with your furry friend Pete :cat:

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I like that name a lot. :+1:t2:

Enjoy the new digs, Jan.

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That’s so great, so happy for you!

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No Maverick!!! :joy:
Congrats Jan!

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I wonder if youd be able to remember his name then :thinking:

He will always be Maverick…:heart:

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