A greatful alcoholic putting down the bong

Hello. This is my first post on the forum. I am currently 86 days free of alcohol (This time around) after 40 years of consistent heavy drinking. I had identified as an alcoholic about 10 years ago and have been a “revolving door” member of AA for at least 20 years interspersed with police remands, psychiatric hospital stays and failed marriages. I am feeling pretty good about this recovery which is a result I believe in finally, after all my balking at the program, in getting a sponser and working the 12 steps. My dirty secret though is I kept smoking cannabis as a crutch during that time. On New Years eve , after a love affair with the drug spanning as long as my alcoholic drinking career, I put the bong down for what I hope is the last time. So this is my 7th day free from cannabis. A drug that certainly went hand in hand with my obsessive drinking. Interestingly, although I struggled with very real withdrawal symptoms for the first 5 days, I actually feel like I have passed the point of physical craving now and am feeling pretty good mentally about staying stopped. Although the first 5 days has been uncomfortable, now on day 7, I actually thought it would be more difficult to stop than it was. I wish I could say the same about the grog but the mental obsession for the relief from a drink still grips me every few days whenever a slightly stressful situation comes by. I now know I need to become honest with my home group and change my sobriety date to reflect being totally substance free. Now if I can just quit cigarettes I’ll be a happy man but as the program suggests “we claim progress not perfection” and at the moment I’m pretty happy with the progress.


Well done Quoll like the beard buddy , i left cigs till i got sober for a year and it was easier wish you well doing ok buddy


Thanks Ray. Yeah I should remember the cigarettes are the least of my worries at the moment.

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day 65 alcohol day 25 weed and tobacco so I know the strength you possess to get your sober days, your story is my story and so many of us. Its great 2 have you here and hope reading and posting helps you like it has helped so many of us. Be strong.


Thanks Dolse71. It’s great to know I’m not alone.

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you are never alone now mate we’re the ones that understand it all and never judge. You’ve done your 12 steps so you already know, Only an addict can help an addict.

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Thankyou Fargesia!

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