A Little Iffy About GIFS

Can someone tell me if there is some special trick to posting a GIF on TS? Whenever I try this message pops up on my screen that says: “Can’t post content here”. Any ideas what could be the issue? Thanks! WB

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Huh…havent seen that one yet…
What phone do you have? Or are you using computer?

For droid…i find gif have to click on it it twice to then get download image message. Can upload as long as its not too large.

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I have a droid. I’ll give that a try. Thanks.



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Yes! This is what I see on my screen…won’t let me post.

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@JazzyS taught me how to do it a diff way. Hold on the gif, download it, it’ll be in your pics.
I think. I still have trouble. :roll_eyes: Lol


I went to Gif site

Clicked on the gif 2x’s till i was able to press down and get download image message

Downliad image to phone camera and upload here like you would a picture

Give it another shot…
@BirdyP has this been happening since that time?

Ah man sorry you are still having trouble with it…it does get frustrating when the gifs / videos are too large to post…
Wishinf you best of luck…

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It happens if I try to get a gif from my keyboard, like I would in a text.

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giphy (1)

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Ooh…i see- yeah that doesnt work…have to go to google and then download…i know see where that error is coming from


Yeah man…u got it…
Now for you William

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Mmm, nope. No luck yet.

Yes, that’s what I’ve been doing, too.

So walk me through your steps…are you going to google or a search engine to find gifs?

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Try Giphy @WilliamBloke

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I was doing what Birdy was doing, going through my keyboard for the GIF function.

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giphy (2)

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I went to google
To this website …Gif website
Then i liked the gif below so clicked on it again to enlarge it
Then pressed on picture to get the download image message
Saved to phone…
Edit…would help if i then uploaded the image